chapter three

445 7 157

Bruce pov.


I wake up to my mom and dad arguing about something. It must be something stupid. I get out of bed and get new clothes from my drawer. I go to the bathroom and I  change into my new outfit. I brush my teeth and fix my hair then i go downstairs to eat anything my mom made me. I go to the kitchen but see no one there. "Weird. Mom and dad are always downstairs eating. Maybe they left after the argument. " I say. I go put my shoes on. "I wasn't hungry anyway." I say as I finish tying my shoes.


I get a call from an unknown number. I awnser and say "hello? Who are you?" In a frightened tone. "Hey bruce it's me vance. Robin gave me your number for research purposes." I sigh in relief knowing it's vance. "Hi vance why did you call?" I say sitting on my couch after grabbing my bag. "I was wondering if i could come over later in the day. Maybe after school?" He says. "Sure. Maybe at 3? You can choose." I say smiling. "Right after school?" "Sure vance."  "VANCE WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BEATING KIDS UP? I SWEAR TO GOD VANCE!"  "Vance!? Are you okay? It doesn't sound like your okay." "Yeah I'm okay bruce don't worry. See you at school bye." "Bye"

I hang up the call and I run to my bike and bike to school. I run to my locker and open it. "Hi bruce!" Robin says excitingly. "Hi robin! How was your morning?" I say smiling at him. "Great! How about your morning?" Robin asks me. "Um it was good i guess." I reply. Vance comes up behind me with a black eye.

"Vance!? What happened to your eye?" I ask him looking at his eye. "Another dad problem. He woke up mad today."  Vance says with his face all serious. "Your dads a dick. I might kill him one day." Robin says slamming my locker closed. The bell rings so me and robin part our ways to class. Me and vance have the same class this morning so i go into math class. "Oh hello there bruce. " Mr Johnson says smiling. Me and vance sit down and wait for the rest of the class to arrive.

"Hey bruce can you come over for a second please?" The teacher says to me. I get up and walk over to his desk. "Yes sir?" I ask confused on why he told me to go to his desk. "I have looked at your grades and i am very impressed by all your A's. Bruce will you be willing to tutor vance after school? His grades are dropping quickly. Only on Thursdays." The teacher tells me. "Sure I can sir." I say looking  back at Vance. The teacher nods and dismisses me to my desk.

Tutoring vance every Thursday? AMAZING OH MY GOSH I CAN GET CLOSER WITH HIM YESSSS!!!!

The class arrive after I sit down. "hi bruce!" I hear donna say to me. I smile at her and wave. "Hey don!!" I say back as she sits on the other side of me. The class starts so I pull out my notebook. I write down all the information that is on the board and what he says. I hear donna giggling while looking at vance. "What is it?" I whisper to her. "He's looking at you dumbass." She whispers back.

I look at vance and see him staring at me while blushing. he looks me up and down then bites his lip. When he sees that I caught him he doesn't stop. He continues to look at me while smirking.

What the fuck? Why is he smirking at me? Whatever bruce it's not like it's hot.







I finally look away after what felt like years. But when I look back all the Information on the board was gone. I take a peek at Donna's paper and copy off it. When I put the last few words on my paper I slam my pencil down and lay my head down. When I finally get to relax a paper ball hits my head. I pick my head back up and open the paper.

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