Vance pov

I have been In the corner all day. Griffin is here. But he doesn't want to speak. He had bruises on his face and he was crying. He was in the corner when I saw him but now hes next to me.

"Vance..is billy okay?" He says quietly. He finally talked to me after a day and a half. I look down at him and give him a small frown. "Not really. He hasn't been talking to us. Hes always looking at photos of you that he has. Hes not okay." I say to him. Griffin frowns and hugs my arm. The grabber thought we were dating.


Anyway i pick Griffin up and i place him on the bed. "You should sleep griff. It looks like you haven't slept in years." I say. I leave Griffin and i go to the wall next to the toilet. I grab the toilet lid and i hit the wall. I soon make a big hole in the wall so i put the lid back on the toilet and I go back to Griffin. "Vance if he sees you breaking the wall he will kill you!" Griffin says scared. The grabber comes in with a tray of eggs and a flat sprite. Disgusting. "Vance. The food is safe I ate it yesterday and it was somewhat good. Isn't the best but it's better than getting nothing." Griffin says. "So are we going to split the eggs in half or what?" I say. Griffin slides the eggs to the both of us and he splits it in half by dragging his finger through the middle. He eats his half before me so my fat ass head doesn't kill him.

"This tastes like shit! Fuck this I'm not eating this crap." I say pushing the tray away from me. I look at the vent and see a small figure in the vent. Is that a dog? The dog runs away when it sees me staring at it.

"Vance? How long do you think we will be here for?" Griffin asks me. I swear for a split second i saw Griffin doing a backbend while floating. Maybe I'm going loco. "Um maybe about a week? I don't know." I say.  I miss bruce. I didn't even get to see him this morning. He must've cried when he saw I was gone.

I bring my hand to my neck so i can play with the butterfly necklace. But it isn't there. "Where is my necklace?" I say looking for it. "Vance you never had a necklace on?" Griffin says confused.

I remember the moment i was being dragged to the van. It fell off. No wonder i felt something missing from my neck. Bruce has it. He definitely has it.

"Nevermind then." I say. How the fuck am i going to get out of here untouched?(bold of you to asume you are getting out already.)
It starts to rain outside. What great weather to cry to. (And to listen to tokio hotel to)

What is bruce doing?( crying while hugging the teddy you gave him) the thought of bruce makes my heart ache. I miss his pretty smile. His hair. His hands. His personality. I miss him in general. I hear the Door click and he steps in. "Hello. Did you enjoy the food?" He says. We can't see his face so his voice is what tells us what his emotions are. His voice is crunchy and old.

"I didn't eat it. It looked gross." I say. "Well that was the only food you would get for the next week so." The man says. He walks closer to me and griffin. I could smell the dog shit off of him.

"You stink. Get back." I say plugging my nose. "That's not nice to say to your friends vance." The man says. "Your not my friend asshole. Your a fucking pedophile. Now get back." I say shooing him away. "You know what? Ima give you a punishment for saying that." The man says grabbing me by my wrist. He pulls me up as I try to fight back. I kick him and punch his arm many times but his grip gets stronger.

The closes the door behind him and locks it so griffin can't get out. "Now let's take you somewhere private." He says dragging me into a room. He opens the door and pushes me onto the bed.

Time skip to back to vance going back to the basement bc I don't wanna write that.

The grabber opens the basement door open and throws me in there. "Don't do that again or I will do much worse." He says. Then he closes the door.

My legs hurt. My body hurts. I can't walk anymore. I don't wanna be here for any longer.

Please bruce...get me out of here.

I crawl to my corner and i sob. I cry so much I have to force my tears out. My tears stopped coming out. I cried too much that i can't anymore. This man is making my life miserable. GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

"Vance? Do you want to talk?" Griffin says getting closer. He knows not to touch me. "No. Im fine." I say. I don't dare look at him. I know if i do that I will break down again. "You don't sound like it. You have been crying for the last hour." He says.

"Fine. I miss bruce. I want to get out of here. I can't stand it anymore. I want to see my mom. I want to be home again. I want to be with Bruce right now. I miss him so much. I want to kill myself. I don't mean anything to the world." I say. I feel griffin hug me. I would normally push him away but i need a hug so o don't.

I Wanna see bruce again....

I miss him.


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