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Hey everyone,it's Y/n L/n here,let me tell you something about me.

I had a family of two older brothers,and two parents but my mom left the family when I was young.

Then my older brother Mickey left as soon as he was 18, and I was 10 so yeah.

Not only that, I'm friends with my crush Tara carpenter but I'm scared to ask her out,but we're close cause family issues.

My second older brother was heartbroken when mom,his brother and his crush Sam left.

My brother and I caused some trouble, which makes things difficult for our dad because he's a detective, so yeah.

I just have my friends and my family, not going lie I hope wes doesn't date Tara. The only people that know.

My crush on Tara is dad,my brothers or brother, and my best friend Mindy.

See ya.

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