The ogs/ awkward reunion

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In the future

A man is seen running like he was out of breath.

?:I think I lost him

The man stops and puts his hands on a wall to catch his breath until he felt something on his hide

?:please don't this, I'm begging you

The man turn around slowly to see a skull

The man turn around slowly to see a skull

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And looks up to see the man

?:why, you just want something for your movie

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?:why, you just want something for your movie

?:no please

?:would you have waited until your victim

?:please,I'm begging you I will turn my self in by the police or spider man

A shot is


And the man is now lay down dead but the person that shot him is still standing on top the body

?:you have failed this city

The man looks at the viewers

?: Hit the fucking intro

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(I like the punisher leave me alone)

Present day

Y/n pov

I couldn't believe it, my mo-I mean my birth mom was here in front of me

Sidney:hi Stephen

Sidney then look at me and Robert

Sidney: you two must be Robert and y/n right

We nod

Sidney:I'm sorry about your brother Mickey

Y/n:were both sorry for Dewey

Sidney nods and looks at the carpenter sisters and limp dick

Sidney:you must be billy Loomis daughter

Sam:yeah, is it awkward for you

Sidney:no, it's not awkward

Robert: quick question, are Sam and y/n siblings as Sam is your ex daughter

Sidney shakes her head


The three look at eachother

Richie:I will bring the car

Richie leaves, which makes me, Robert, Sam, Tara, dad, Gale in the hospital lobby

I zone as I start to remember mickey but I couldn't as I never even had him before

Then I hear Sam

Sam:Were leaving

Sidney:I tried that, it's not going to work

Sam:no offense to you but I'm not you

Sidney:we need you

Sam:look go after him yourself but I'm leaving with my sister

Stephen: Sam, leave get you and Tara out of here.

Stephen starts to cough as Sam and Robert get to him we see that they are shock

Sam:what stage are you in

Stephen:stage 4

Everyone starts to feel sad

Stephen: don't pity me, I made my choices

Sidney and Gale chuckled

Gale:you never lost your ego

Stephen:did you


We hear a beep and limp dick is right there driving

Tara and Sam got in and the the three of them drove off

Y/n:so,how do we kill the bastard

Sidney: I put a tracker on the vehicle, something Stephen or Gale would do

Gale:I'll take that as a compliment

Stephen:she is not wrong

Now I know I really want to kill the bastard who destroyed my family

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