Secrets reveal

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Stephen pov

I just got out on a call with y/n because he was in the hospital but he was already discharged, he was visiting Tara.

When I got out of my car I saw the Meeks house or the meeks martin, me, Robert, Richie and mickey were about to enter until we heard a car sound.

And when I turned around I saw Dewey Riley in his sheriff uniform

Dewey:I decided to Temporary to assist  you

I look at him and he looks at me

Dewey:I got some rules


Dewey:Gale and Sidney don't get involved

I nod

Dewey:I don't get a another stab in the wound and die

I nod

Dewey:give me a hug

I sigh,as I don't give out hugs but I do it anyways and we pull away

Stephen:it sounds like a deal

Dewey nods and I pat his shoulder

Stephen: looks like the two out of the four ogs are coming back

And as soon we get in by the twins, Mindy lead us and I see a randy memorial, I look down in guilt as my friend die being stabbed by Nancy just as my other friend.

Barry, I did pay my respects and saw Martha

Martha:ohh suspect's

Martha sees us both and it's kinda awkward for me as she might have a crush on me

Dewey:hi Martha

Martha: Dewey hi, you look like


Everyone laugh and she turns to me

Martha: Stephen,I see you still have the humor

Stephen:yes I do,how is life

Martha:can't complain, I still see your still at the gym I see and your a cop

As she is saying that she is touching my arm but I grab her hand and pull it away from my arm, I nod and sit down.

Wes: wheres y/n

Robert:he's at the hospital

Chad: thought he was cleared

Mickey:he's visiting Tara

Mindy smirks and says:my man hitting that

Sam:okay, I have to tell you guys something

Stephen:so do I,Sam go first

The entire living room is silent because Sam told everyone the truth while some know and some didn't know

Chad:so let me get this straight, your saying that you are the daughter of bully Loomis, and someone here is the killer

Amber:wait Stephen,you said you had to tell us something

I nod

Stephen: you know how my wife left me

Everyone nods except Dewey and Richie

Stephen:that's because I've been hiding two secrets from my family

Wes:what is it

Stephen:y/n, is my actual child and the mom is um

Stephen: Sidney Prescott

Everyone look shock including Sam, except for the two young adults aka mickey and Robert

Stephen:not only that you know the ghost face killer that was working with mickey alteri

Everyone nods

Stephen:that's Robert father

Everyone became shocked again

Mindy:wait so Ronnie Raymond is Robert dad

I nod as Robert had a look that we'll talk later

Timeskip by stu macher theory

Y/n pov

I was with Tara in the hospital watching a movie

Out of nowhere she touched my hand and I head it, as I look towards her

I see her smile as I smile

Y/n:yes babe how can I help you

Oh did I forget to mention that me and Tara are secretly dating

Tara: nothing, I just want a kiss

I kiss her cheek and she roll her eyes

Tara: really

I chuckled a bit and I kiss her neck,as I pull away I see her eyes lust

Tara: who said you could stop

I just pointed to the camera and she follow where I was pointing at

I kiss her lips

Tara:I love you

Y/n: I know

Timeskip by Sidney Prescott

Stephen pov

I was outside, of the hicks house

Me and Judy we had a friendship,we were never that close,you know what I mean

I see Gale weathers walking towards me and she starts smacking my arm

Gale:a text,you tell me your dying and you sent a text,not only that a killer is back you text after all this time

She is smacking my arm as she is saying that

Stephen:if it makes you feel any better Dewey is over there

Gale:hey I'm sorry

Stephen:don't I made my choice

Gale smiles a bit

Gale:still stubborn I see

I smirk and she walks off to Dewey,as I turn I see Sam, Mickey and Robert look scare and I look at the officer


I see them run off and Dewey following along as I go to the officer

Stephen: officer

Officer:yes detective l/n

Stephen: who's at the hospital watching my son and the victim

Officer:a officer that was on patrol?

I nod and I just realized they're in private and not only that there's only one guard up

Stephen: wait for the other detectives

I run to my car and start driving to the hospital calling y/n and Tara

I hear a voice

Ghost face: so do you want me to kill

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