The attack

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Y/n pov

I just texted dad, I'm going to hang out with Tara later on today.He said sure but I will be grounded once I get home.

I'm in my room playing video games, because I'm bored and out of nowhere I hear the door open.

I pause my game and head downstairs.I see my brother enter relaxing before his second job starts and he notices me.

Robert:yo, I hear you are going to Tara house later on. While smirking

Y/n:yeah what about it.


He throws me something and I catch it.And as soon as I look at him with a deadpan look.

Robert:what you finally have a shot dude.

Y/n:shut up.

Robert laughs and I go upstairs.

Timeskip by billy Loomis

Once I made it to Tara house, I knock and she opens it and I'm in.

Tara:hey y/n

Y/n:Tara,how have you been

Tara: fine. You

Y/n: peachy

Tara chuckled making me smile a bit.and I ask her a question

Y/n:Hey Tara,can I ask you a question

Tara:sure,what is it

Y/n:um well um

Tara came close to me and hold my hand because I was nervous.

Tara: whatever it is you can tell me

I nod,and as soon as I open my mouth.We hear the landline ring

Tara let's go and kiss my cheek, and walks over to the landline while I'm standing trying to hide my blush.

I walk over to the kitchen and hear Tara talking to someone.

Tara: from her shit

I laughed and she smile,she walk away from me again. I just grab a drink and follow her.

Until she look nervous and panic,I go to her

Y/n: what's wrong T

Tara:um,hes a psycho

Tara pulls out her phone and immediately locks the door,not going to lie which makes me nervous.

We both hear the landline ring again, but we ignore it until Tara looks at her phone and picks up the landline.


I asked her what was wrong, she said the psycho wants to play Travia on stab

And she puts the landline down and we hear is y/n there too.

Y/n:what's up

?: alright, let's play. What woodsboro  native was introduced as the franchise main character

Tara:SIDNEY PRESCOTT, and she lived on elm street

I just now realized I've been living inside of a legendary house.

?:good,now first question

Tara:nonono,that's correct I got it right

?: anyone would've guessed, because shes in every stab movie except for the last one. Question one who wrote the original book that the stab movies were based on.

Y/n: Gale weathers

?: correct

?: question two, who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of the stab one who answered the phone and got carved up by the killer.

Tara:fuck you

?:is that what you are going with?

Y/n:heather graham

?: correct y/n, last question who was the killer in the first stab movie.

Y/n:stu macher

Tara: billy Loomis

?:good,but this question is for y/n only

Y/n:what is it

?:which legend killed stu macher

Y/n: um,I think it was Sidney Prescott

?: incorrect,it was your father

Me and Tara look at each other in shock until Tara grabs a knife and runs out.

I quickly run after her and as soon as she opens the door I pulled her away but the killer slash my arm.

I punch ghost face and close the door,Tara then locks the door

No one pov

The landline ring and y/n picks it up

?:did you really think I would enter the house before Tara lock the door

Ghost face stabs y/n in the gut making Tara scream and scared.

And ghost face stabs Tara in the gut and again. He drops her down and stomps on her foot, breaking it.

Y/n immediately got up and starting to choke ghost face but ghost face stabs y/n in the arm again until he stops choking him.

And ghost face proceed to stab y/n In the back and the stomach,y/n got on top Tara as ghost face stabs y/n in the back over and over.

Ghost face stops and grabs y/n by his hair and proceed to punch him over and over until a voice could be heard.

?:step away from the kids

Ghost face turns around to see Stephen  l/n holding a pistol and he looks pissed and shocked face

Stephen: I thought me and my friends ended you

And siren could be heard but ghost stabs Stephen in the leg and punches him in the face and runs out with Tara and y/n screaming.

And we see ghost face wiping the blood of the knife

And we see ghost face wiping the blood of the knife

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