Drama and Help

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Mickey pov

Y/n was in the bathroom with me and Robert outside waiting for him I realized I have to tell my brothers the truth.

Robert:hey,how have you been

Mickey:fine,I have something to tell you and y/n

Robert:okay,but  you're freaking out

Mickey: y/n is not our brother

Robert has a confused face

Robert:yeah dad said he was adopted

Mickey:no he wasn't

Robert:what are you talking about

Mickey: I mean y/n is our half brother

Robert looks shocked and he looks down

Robert:that is impossible and even so who is mom

Mickey:you're going to believe this

Robert:who is it

Mickey: Sidney Prescott

Robert laugh and I had serious face, Robert realized I wasn't joking

Robert:damn, how do you know this

Mickey:well, I went to the attic found dad diary I read it and that is what I found out

We both hear the door open and y/n has a sad look

Y/n: Mickey get the fuck out



I left with tears in my eyes knowing I just ruined my family life

Sam pov

After getting out of the hospital, I went to grab Dewey Riley help. I felt guilty because I just made Tara life even more complicated.

As soon as I get out I see mickey,I go over to him

Sam:hey mick

Mickey look at me

Mickey:hey Sam, what's up

Sam:I just told Tara who is my father

Mick:well I just told my brother that he is our brother and he found out about his mom

Sam: which one


I nod

Mickey:hey where you going

Sam:to get Dewey Riley help with ghost face

Mickey nods

Mickey:hey can I join because I know someone who would help


3rd pov

After Sam,Richie and mickey got rejected from Dewey Riley they went to mickey other person

They park their cars and Richie stays in after Sam told him

The two walk and they here a arrow shoot,they both smile knowing who could that be.once their close enough mickey calls out the person

Mickey:I guess you still don't miss uh

The person turns around

Stephen:well practice makes perfect and I see you two are getting older

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Stephen:well practice makes perfect and I see you two are getting older

Sam: yeah but who is the old man

Stephen:hey at least I still have my looks

Mickey:he has point

Sam:yeah but I'm more beautiful


Mickey:dad,y/n knows

Stephen nods knowing he has to meet his son

Sam: please Stephen, I need your help Tara and y/n need you and your only hope

Stephen: I'm in

Mickey:that easily

Stephen:well,the son of bitch hurt the people I called family so yeah


Stephen:So I'm assuming Sam told you about her dad

Sam and mickey look shock

Stephen: me and your mom were close

The two nod

Stephen:So when do we begin

Mickey:are you sure

Stephen:yeah I am, I just can't wait to tell ghost face that he has failed this town.

Stephen smirk

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