Loving you is a losing game

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Stephen l/n pov

Ghostface:so who do you want me to kill mr.l/n

Stephen: no, don't kill anyone

Ghostface: ironic, because you killed my father

Stephen:who is your father

Ghostface: wait until act 3 also I  will kill your son or Tara now choose!


Y/n pov

Me and Tara were watching a movie when we heard a noise

Y/n:stay here

I get up and walk towards the door and I hear Tara talking.I turn around to see her trying to get on her wheelchair.

I quickly rush to her and help her, once she is in the wheelchair I get her out of the room.

And as soon as we see a little light, we go towards it and we see a dead cop.

Tara reaches for his gun but soon finds out that it's not there.

We quickly enter a room and hid there Until the door is open and Tara immediately grab a phone and started beating on the person

Richie:oh goddamn it


Y/n:what are you doing here limp dick

Richie:Sam called

And ghost face appear and slash Richie arm, I thought about it

I go after ghost face and tell Tara to get out of here

Ghostface stabs my arm

I punch them

he stabs my back

I turn around and start to punch them in the gut

He punch my face

Me and them start to wrestle

Until they kick my huevos and punch me over and over


I see ghost face walking towards her, I get up

Y/n: hey

Ghostface turns around

Y/n: there are no strings on me

And we heard the elevator ding and a

Shot was heard

Dewey,Sam,Mickey, Robert, and a mysterious green hood figure

Green hood figure(ghf): Ghostface you have failed this town

He then shoots a arrow at ghost face,I see Robert and mickey help me and we go inside the elevator until

Dewey:the head


Mickey: if we shoot them in the head then they don't come back right?

Dewey nods

Sam: Dewey who gives a fuck

Dewey:I do

Mickey:see ya guys soon

We shouted

And the elevator closed

Mickey pov

After the elevator closed we got ready

We see dad getting kicked in the "arrow"

Me and Dewey run after ghost face but

He stabs me in the stomach, and Dewey shoots him but ghost face use me as a human shield.

He then kills Dewey

I see dad getting up angry

Stephen:I will kill you, you understand

Ghostface walks off and I see dad coming towards us

He removed his mask

Stephen:son, Dewey

Dewey: can you stay, I don't want to die alone

Stephen:of course Dewey

Mickey:dad, I'm sorry I have been terrible for you I hoped you forgive me

I see dad crying

And I close my eyes

Stephen pov

I look at my loved ones bodies and cried out my entire body

It should've been me

It should've have been me


Y/n pov

We're down in the lobby and we see Gale weathers and a lady who looks familiar

We find out Sam is getting Tara and Richie out of here, I can't blame them

We realized or I realized I can't be in a relationship with someone close to me dies.

I see dad coming over

Sam and dad hug out, as he did the same with Tara 

Me And Robert did the same but I kiss Tara meaning this could be my last time

Tara:I love you

Y/n:I know

Richie:did you just han solo her

We heard a cough

Stephen:hello Gale, sorry about Dewey

Gale nods

Stephen: hello Sidney

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