The sacrifice

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The body went to the floor,the shots lowered as the body was revealed to be Oliver l/n. His son looks in horror as his first loved Sidney Prescott looks heartbroken and Gale Weathers looked and had tears in her eye that she had lost two best friends in the same year,same day, Same killer.

Richie: Well we just killed the green arrow

Amber: finally, I hated the show on the cw

Leo looks at y/n

Leo:y/n, before you get sad just know Robert and Tara are safe.Yet.

Sam:how did you know

Sam asks as she tears in eyes

Amber: About your father please it's a small town and your mom's a drunk.

Richie kicks the body and walks closer to the victims

Richie: hell, Your mom even admitted to Fucking Oliver in highschool and still after

Amber:that makes your mom a whore and y/n dad a player

Leo:don't forget he was a playboy back then


Amber smirks as she was saying these things.

Sidney tries to get the knife but stops as Richie held a gun

Richie:hey sit the fuck down Prescott

Y/n:how did you know

Amber:we just explained it dip shit

Y/n:I mean me and Robert parents

Amber:easy, Robert I just googled Robert date of birth and for Prescott the boys have their ways.

Leo: alright bitches someone get Robert and Tara we have to stage the bodies

Amber:I'll do it

As she says it cheerfully and walks out

Y/n:hey Leo, I know what me and my family did too you but you can change.

Leo:you think I'm doing this for vengeance,no I'm doing this for fun

A moment as passed and amber yelled out

Amber:they're not here

Richie:what do you mean?

As Richie says that he is stabbed in the back (literally) and Leo stabs himself in the arm.

Amber hears this and runs out but then she gets jump by Tara, which leaves the opening for Sam and y/n.

Sam gets the knife from Richie but he grabs Sam legs. Which leads into Sam fighting with Richie.

Y/n going after amber and the last two original survivors going after Leo but as Sidney got Gale free Leo was no where to be seen or the body of Oliver.

Sidney/Gale:What the fuck

The fight continues as Sam fights off Richie but once he punch the wound of Sam, making her get of him but then his throat was slash and Robert was there holding a bloody knife and stabs Richie over and over until he heard Sam.

Robert:is my dad o-okay

He says trying not to break down but Sam hugs him and Robert breaks down on Sam shoulder.

Tara was still beating amber with her crutches (pause), until amber gets up and slams Tara onto the wall.but amber was punch by y/n and he continued to punch her until tara grab his arm and left the living room.

Amber gets up pissed off and walks into the kitchen where she is jumped by Sidney and Gale

Amber:wait,wait please Im just a stupid kid

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