The past comes back

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Y/n pov

So, Everyone knows who my mom is now which makes things worse for me and Robert dad yikes.

Everyone looks at us as we did the killings with amber, Richie and leonard

It was my fault as I abandoned him when he needed me the most and. I just ran

My friends have tried to be there for me and Tara, people tell her that I'm not good enough as I will bring ghost face to kill her .

But she ignores them and we'll I wish me and my brother could but couldnt

Now I'm walking to school because, I don't feel like getting a ride and we'll Robert got fired because of his “dad".

As I enter, I see people in the halls They're just staring at me as I'm walking

I don't know why, I felt like I had to go to school today.when I reached my locker I heard a familiar voice

Mindy:the Batman has officially got out of brooding

Y/n:yeah, you can say that

Mindy:my man, did you and Tara did the pound town

Y/n:no Mindy, we didn't

Mindy:damn okay the summer time I see

Y/n:Mindy, do you need something

Mindy:I missed my best friend and I heard the news

Y/n: Yeah, what's next I'm a drug dealer with Tara

Mindy:Shit, hook me up

Y/n:will do

Mindy:hey, I got to go you want to meet Chad after school because he woke up from his coma

Y/n:sure, I'll tried and be there

Mindy: alright, see you man

I nod and open my locker to grab mine stuff

Time Skip

I texted Robert I was going to visit Chad and he was fine with it, in other news Mindy got detention because she cursed at a teacher, Tara is playing soccer with her teammates.

Sam and Robert I think they're banging but they're both unemployed.

When I got to the hospital people just look at me

And once I reached Chad room I took a deep breath and enter

I see Chad sitting up

Chad:my guy, what's up

Y/n:same old buddy, same old how about you

Chad:woke up like sleeping beauty, also they told me that my friends visit me besides you

Y/n:sorry, Chad

Chad:it's fine dude

Y/n:do you know the news

Chad:yeah, they said that your mom isn't your mom?

Y/n:yeah, did you also hear about liv and Mindy

Chad:what happened to Mindy and Liv?

Y/n:Mindy survive

Chad:that's good and Liv is she okay

Y/n:Liv didn't make it, I'm sorry

Chad:it's fine man, wow it's crazy


Another time skip

I'm in my house in my room, as I'm just on my bed until I heard my phone ring, and I saw it was Amber?

I pick it up and I heard a familiar voice

?:Hello l/n or should I say Prescott

Y/n:No, this can't be

?:but it is, don't worry I'll be your guardian angel for now but I'll will tell you, that I have no motive im only doing this for fun.

Y/n: Why?

?:you better, hold the ones you love safe, better keep Tara, Robert, Sam,Mindy,Chad safe because that's on you

Y/n: please don't go after them

?:Oh I won't until the games begin, I would call your mother and not that brunette bitch but the legend herself

Y/n:you just want to kill her, so I'm not doing it

?:I knew it that is why, I called her first, because l/n Prescott your life just became a Kruger hell home

The caller hang up as I'm in fear as ghost face was about to come after me and Sidney Prescott

And I heard a voice

?:hello there nephew

And I saw a brunette short her lady that look familiar

Y/n: who are you?

?: you don't recognize your dear old Aunt?

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