The last Stand

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Amber was in her room watching stab videos cause why not and she thought she heard something on her window.

She opens up her window and looks around until she sees a ghost face in front of her.making her scream and jump backwards

?:Ha gotcha

Amber roll her eyes and said:fuck off Leo

Leo then took of his mask and proceeded to walk towards amber

Leonard:what you watching baby girl

Amber gets up and walks towards Leo and says nothing as she pulls him down into a kiss.

Leo pulls away and Amber whines

Amber:come on there's no one here

Leo:then who are we

Amber: shut up, you know what I mean but why didnt you use the front door

Leo:well why not practice

Amber smirks and nods

Leo gives her a quick peck and amber jumps on the bed with Leo

Amber:and to answer your question assholes make stab look like the MCU phase 4

Leo:glad you didn't ignore my question or else I would have brought the knife

Amber:kinky daddy

Leo: all right, but let's go back to stab the people making them videos are worst then cinemasins

Amber nods And say: it was all to well until the fucking sequel

Leo:not going to lie I enjoy stab two but 3 to 8 holy hell what they get the cw writers

Amber:moving on, I just texted Richie

Leo nods

Amber: it's time

Leo: really?

Amber nods

Leo:yes,go to hell land sex

Amber laughs

Leo: so when do we start

Amber: tommorow, then once Sam gets the news Richie and Sam will come to woodsboro.

Leo:good, because I want my revenge on those bitches

Amber:aw is little baby still fussy

Leo then threw the laptop on to the floor and kissed Amber hard

Leo:we are going to help Hollywood

Amber:that we are now shut up and lets continue

And the pair continue their night

We see Leo with the robe getting the stuff ready as he looks at that is

The carpenter house and he sees a person on the porch aka Y/n L/n once y/n enter the plan begins

Leo brought out his phone and dial a number


?:hey is Christina there 


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