For Dewey

394 2 7

Y/n pov

I was in the car with dad, Sidney, Gale, and Robert. I wonder if Tara and Sam got out of California by now or out of woodsboro.

Until I heard my name by Mickey

Mickey:you okay y/n

I nod

We hear Stephen to change in the trunk

Sidney:what are you doing Oliver

L/n(except Stephen): Oliver

Stephen:my old name and sidney I'm changing into my old uniform

Gale:the green hood figure


little Timeskip

Gale:this address reminds you of something

Oliver: what's the address

Sidney:261 turner lane

Robert:hey that's amber house and I think she is throwing a party


Y/n:wes death, not going to lie I hate him but I didn't want him dead

Gale/Sidney/Oliver:the house is stu macher and theres a party

Y/n:what's the problem

Oliver:that's where act 3 happens, y/n called Mindy or Tara warn them now

Y/n takes out his cell to call Mindy but she doesn't pickup and he tries calling Tara and nothing

Y/n: nothing

Robert:hold on, let me call Sam

Robert:hey Sam, look where are you now

Sam:at amber house why

Robert: because that's where stu macher made his killing

Gale:don't forget billy Loomis

Robert: and billy Loomis made there name, it's a trap

The call hangs up

Oliver: alright, let's do this


As soon the five make it to the house they hear screaming

Oliver: sounds about right

Gale:yeah gives us deja vu

Sidney:you people ready

Oliver:well,at least I can save this town one last time

Gale:for this never

Robert/ y/n: this is our first

Sidney:be prepared.

The five begin to walk towards the house and they see amber "hurt"

Amber:help please, the killer is still in there

Sidney:what we think


Gale: obviously

Amber shoots Gale in the gut and miss the other somehow

Oliver pulls a arrow and shoot it's and it hits amber leg

Everyone attend to Gale who waved them off

Gale:go get her, For Dewey

And when she said for Dewey it lit a spark for Sidney and Oliver

Oliver: alright kids this is where act 3 begins so trust no one

The kids nod

Oliver:well Ms final girl, ladies first

And with that this is where the chapter ends, on a cliffhanger

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