The Interrogation (TSOTSC Outtake)

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A.N. There were like three or four different 'Sam finds out scenes' from Two Sides of The Same Coin, this one was my second favorite.

"Okay, exactly how long is this going to go on?"

You tear your eyes away from Bucky to look at an exasperated Sam, who at some point walked into the conference room without you or Bucky ever noticing. "What do you mean?"

"I mean this!" Sam frantically gestures between the two of you. "You're acting like a bunch of high schoolers. The puppy eyes. The blushing, the flirting, the longing stares. You're driving me crazy!"

"You are insane," Bucky grunts to Sam. At least you think he's talking to Sam, it's a little hard to tell considering he's barely looked away from you and still wryly smirking in your direction.

"Am I? Because something happened, something neither of you will talk about, and I'm not putting up with it anymore."

"Nothing happened," you insist, though you and Bucky share a fleeting, anxious look.

"What did you do?" Sam demands, staring at Bucky.

"What makes you think I did anything?"

"What did you do?" Sam repeats.

"Sam," you interject, shaking your head.

"Fine, if you two won't tell me - I know someone else who knows. FRIDAY, can you call Steve to the conference room?"

"Why are you calling Steve?" Bucky questions, though his voice wavers in conviction. "Don't start involving other people in your weird conspiracies."

"Weird conspiracies?" Sam scoffs, his accusations cemented after hearing the anxiety and trepidation in the way you and Bucky are speaking. "For almost an entire month, I've watched you two watch each other. When I don't catch him staring at you, you're staring at him, you two don't talk anymore, you're both weird and giggly when you are in the same room. Obviously something happened."

"Hey...guys," Steve starts, faltering when he feels the strange atmosphere in the room.

"Steve, take a seat," Sam gently urges, gesturing to the seat right beside him.

"I...I actually have to go. I should go - do that thing," Steve nervously stammers.

"And I've got a debrief that won't write itself," you lie, abruptly standing up out of your seat.

"I'll go help you," Bucky eagerly offers, fumbling to get out of his seat.

"Everyone sit," Sam demandingly orders. All three pairs of eyes remain downcast like petulant children as you all take your seats around the conference table. "Good, now will someone tell me what's going on?"

Steve, looking particularly uncomfortable, opens his mouth to spill every single detail he has.

"Steve," Bucky warns, swiftly kicking him in the shin. "Don't even think about it."

"Steve," Sam gently encourages, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. "It's okay. Just tell me what's going on and all this will be over."

Keeping your eye contact with Steve, you subtly shake your head, mouthing, "Don't do it."

"Look at what you're doing to poor Steve, he's dripping sweat. How could you do that to Steve?" Sam asks, gesturing to Steve with anxiety literally seeping out of his pores. Your mouth twists as you try to stop yourself from putting Steve out of his misery. "So I'm going to have to pull out the big guns, huh? What about rule number one?"

"Aww..." you groan, clutching the sides of your seat. "Don't 'rule number one' me. It's not what you think."

"What's rule number one? Don't set things on fire," Bucky quips, trying to break the frantic, tense atmosphere.

"No," Sam states, still pointedly eyeing you to let the guilt trip break your resolve. "It's honesty. Don't lie to me, don't omit things, even if she thinks it's something that I don't want to hear. And I give her the same respect."

"You're not getting anything out of me," you huff, crossing your arms as you sit further back in your seat.

Sam nods, walking away from you and back to Steve. "A chain is only a strong as it's weakest link. Fold, Steve."

"Don't you dare, Steve," Bucky warns.

"Fold, Steve."

"He's got nothing, Steve! Don't listen to him," you insist.

"Fold," Sam repeats.

"They kissed! I saw them kissing!" Steve blurts.

"Dude," Bucky winces, throwing his hands up in frustrated defeat.

"I'm sorry!" Steve sputters. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!"

"It's because you're weak, Steve. Weak," Sam enunciates, leaning over Steve's seat. 

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