The Monologue

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"And you will never - "

"Oh," you interrupt with a raised hand.


"Are you about to do the monologue thing? Is there any way would could like fast forward through this part?"

"What?" the villain tersely exhales.

"You know, like the monologue thing. Do you mind if we just skip it today?"

"Skip it?" the villain repeats, crossing his arms in a huff.

"Yeah, I'm just - I'm already going to have to write all of this in the debrief and from what it looks like it's going to be a pretty long one. Plus, I have dinner plans tonight," you meekly explain.

"I'm sorry, am I intruding on your personal life? Plotting to end the world isn't important enough to cancel dinner plans?"

"No, of course it is! But we've sort of had these plans for like 3 months, which is technically longer than we've known about you."

"I just think it's bad manners, rude even," the villain chides. "I work really hard on those monologues."

"It's not personal or anything," you quickly assure him. "I'm sure they're great monologues. I'm so convinced of your villainy."

"Really?" the villain hopefully asks. "You're not just saying that?"

"Of course not! In fact, I'd love to hear your evil monologue," you insist.

"Well, if you insist. And you and your Avengers will never - No, you see, now it's too late. The moment's gone," the villain throws his hands up in defeat.

"If it makes you feel any better, I really liked the first part," you offer. "I almost called for backup and everything."

"Really? Because I was worried it was too much-"

"No! Not at all, I think it adds character, you know?"

Just then, your comms device crackles to life in your ear, "Everything okay? Bad guy apprehended yet?"

"Oh, I almost forgot about that part," you mutter to yourself.

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