A Quiet Moment

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Writing prompt from @/yourdailywritingprompt on TikTok: Write a scene between two of your characters with no dialogue. Make it a quiet, private moment where we see what they're like together when no one else is around.

He takes a deep breath of relief as the door quietly clicks shut, he leans down placing his duffle bag on the floor as quietly as possible. Bucky had his suspicions that you'd fallen asleep waiting up for him, in spite of his insistences that you didn't have to, given that your responses to his text updates suddenly tapered off about an hour ago.

The space is quiet. The only source of light is the warm glow of the sting lights you made him hang around the room and all across the ceiling as a beautifully intricate pattern of lights weaving all across the ceiling.

He creaks open the bedroom door to find you splayed out on your side of the bed, glasses still on, book in hand. It's clear to him that you really tried to wait up for him.

Bucky softly chuckles at the sight of you dozed off in the middle of reading a book. He leaves the door slightly ajar as he keeps working his way through his nightly routine.

He slowly creaks open the fridge, immediately noticing the Tupperware put front and center of the middle shelf. He smiles to himself at the sight of the pink post it note that read 'welcome home' with small hearts all around the words.

He decides that he's more interested in sleep than eating right now in the dead of night. He closes the fridge, ready for a least a few hours of sleep next to his person.

Bucky unplugs the lights, the apartment now completely dark except for the little lamp on your nightstand.

He creeps over to your side of the bed, gently prying the book from your hands. He freezes when you incrementally stir, a sleepy hum leaving your lips. When your slow, even breaths continue, he carefully lifts your glasses off your face. He reaches out to flick your lamplight off, the only light now the soft moonlight streaming through the sheer curtains.

He takes the comforter, now strewn to the side, and pulls it back up around your shoulders. He takes another moment, watching you as you sleep to simply appreciate what he has to come back to.

Through all the hectic schedules, the chaos, through it all, he always has something to come back to. And for it to be someone who understands him and unconditionally loves and accepts him, it's more than he ever thought he'd get in this life.

He pads over to his side of the bed. Bucky's own routine is regimented, the exact same procedure every single night. He unlaces his boots, neatly tucking each one in the shoe rack where yours are haphazardly thrown.

The rest of his regiment passes without much thought, it's muscle memory at this point.

But one thing that he always stops to appreciate, to relish in, is crawling into the warm bed next to you.

Though you're not entirely awake, you turn towards him as he slides underneath the comforter, curling yourself into his open embrace.

Bucky tucks your head beneath his chin, relishing in the feeling of the quiet reunion.

In the feeling of home.

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