Pal-entine's Day

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"Making the most of your day off, Pinkie?" Tony asks, nudging his head towards the box in your hands.

"Well, Palentine's only happens once at year," you quip, placing the box on the common room coffee table.

Tony dramatically sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know I'm going to regret asking, but what?"

"Palentine's Day," you state matter of factly. "It's a thing."

"It's definitely not a thing," Steve agrees.

"Of course it is," you retort, dismissively waving at the both of them. "Why else would me and Sam, every year on the day after Valentine's, go look for all the leftover candy that's on sale. After that, we go have lunch and discuss the rest of you."

"You talk about the rest of us when we're not there?" Tony indignantly guffaws.

"Can I just add how nice you look today?" Steve quickly compliments.

"Duly noted, Steve. I will take that into consideration."

"Alright, this year I know I've got you beat-" Sam starts as he walks into the room with an oversized box in his arms, only to stop when he sees Steve and Tony also in the common room. "Oh, hey, Steve, Tony."

"What's in the box, Sam?" Tony deeply sighs. "A gift for a holiday that no one has ever heard of?"

"Someone's exceptionally bitter today," Sam quips.

"Well, when two of my colleagues take the day off for a made up holiday it tends to put you in a bad mood," Tony sarcastically remarks.

"Aren't most holidays just made up?" Sam counters.

Tony opens his mouth, only to close it when he realizes he doesn't have an adequate rebuttal.

"Oh, you should open mine first!" you eagerly insist, gesturing to the box in front of you.

"Aw... you didn't have to get me -," Sam stops mid-sentence as he pops off the top of the gift box. He softly gasps at the sight of the glass bottle securely tucked into the box. He lifts it closely examine the contents: a miniature replica of his family's boat. "How did even you do this?"

"I asked your sister for several very detailed pictures of the boat. And getting it in a bottle? That's for me to know."

"This is so cool," Sam marvels, still holding the bottle an inch away from his face. "Looks just like my family's boat in Louisiana."

"Your family has a boat?" Tony questions.

"You're from Louisiana?" Steve simultaneously asks.

Sam shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he puts the bottle back in the box. "Okay, okay, your turn."

"Alright," you excitedly agree. You tear through the tissue paper of Sam's gift bag to reveal a giant, green, plush animal inside. It's only when you pull the plush out of the bag that you see that the gift is an oversized plush chameleon, just like the sidekick in your favorite movie. "Oh my God, this is amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's a chameleon..." Steve awkwardly lilts. "Because you're adaptable?"

"Or like the sidekick from her favorite movie," Sam corrects with a sigh. Sam's head turns slightly, his voice dropping slightly, "You didn't invite them, did you?"

"You know, we're right here. We can hear you," Tony points out.

Sam drops his voice even lower, leaning in closer to you, "You didn't-"

"This is not normal," Tony interjects. "This is a very weird thing to do with your friends."

"You mean your friends don't get you giant, plush versions of your favorite cartoon characters?" you pose.

Tony fervently shakes his head. "No!"

"Then you guys need better friends," Sam mutters under his breath.

"Tell me about it," you mumble. 

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