Flufftober: "Oh no, you're a Morning person!"

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"Hey," Bucky whispers, gently stirring you. You groan, cracking a bleary eye open, the light streaming in through the sheer curtains is enough to get you to shut your eyes again. "Come on. We gotta get up."

"Oh no," you groan, turning out of Bucky's embrace.

He huffs as though you've insulted him by leaving his embrace. "What?"

"You're a morning person," you groggily whine, tossing the comforter over your face.

"It's 11 o'clock," Bucky corrects, tugging the comforter off of your face.

"Still technically morning."

He snorts, brushing your unruly hair out of your face. "Or maybe you're tired because we were up half the night binge watching Friends."

"I'm not seeing your point."

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