Flufftober: "You've told your parents?"

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"So you and Barnes?" the random SHIELD agent whose name keeps evading you asks. "You're like together together?"

"Yeah," you nod, shoving the rest of your gear into your locker. "Sounds about right."

"Like, how serious? Like 'you've told your parents' serious?" A quick, inadvertent snicker leaves your mouth at the agent's question. The agent frowns, clearly unhappy at your reaction to his question, "What?"

You clear your throat, trying your best to stifle laughter. "Sorry, it's really not that funny."

"What?" the agent insists. "Maybe I'll think it's funny."

You highly doubt he will.

"Orphan," you explain, pointing to yourself. Then you point to Bucky across the room. "Born in 1917. No parents to tell. We did tell Sam though!"

"Who's Sam?"

"What about Sam?" Bucky asks, unsubtly staking his claim by snaking his arm around your waist.

You roll your eyes at Bucky before turning back to the agent whose name you still can't remember, "Wait, what was your question again?"

"Oh, er... nothing," the agent sheepishly mutters.

"Alrighty then..." you excessively nod. "Nice talking to you..."

"Tim," the agent supplies, a incredulous look on his face.

"I knew that," you scoff.

"Right," the agent murmurs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walks away with a uncomfortable smile and tip of his head.

"Who the hell was that?" Bucky humorlessly chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Honestly? I have no idea."

Grumpy x Sunshine DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now