Comfortember: Exhaustion

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"Hey," Bucky gently coaxes. He stands behind your seat, lowering himself to wraps both his arms around you. He kisses the top of your head, speaking lowly, "It's late. Come to bed."

You sleepily hum, wanting nothing more than a good night's sleep. Still, you were desperate to prove yourself and even more determined to have the perfect plan all drawn up for tomorrow's mission. Your first one as mission leader.

It all needed to go perfectly. So here you sat, at the kitchen table, papers covering every inch of the table, the dim room only lit by the small lamp to the side of you and the string lights above you.

You slowly exhale, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder. "Just running through this again."

"It's late," he reminds you as you look up at him with a tired smile. "And you're exhausted."

"I just want to make sure everything goes right tomorrow."

"And it will," Bucky promises.

"But what if it doesn't?"

"But it will."


He closes the file in front of you. "It will."

He moves from behind you to stand in front of you, forcing you to meet his striking gaze. "Tell me why you're so nervous."

You rest your head against him, the exhaustion weighing on you even more with every passing moment. "No one ever trusts me with anything. And if I mess up, no one ever will again."

Bucky gently strokes your head, still rested up against his abdomen. "That's not true. I trust you. And I don't trust anyone."

"You don't count. You love me too much."

He softly chuckles, still stroking the back of your crestfallen head. "Can you please look at me?' You reluctantly look up off the floor with a defeated sigh. His heart almost breaks at the exhaustion etched into your face, the glassiness of your eyes from stress and lack of sleep. "They gave you this mission because you're the best person for it. Because you're smart, quick on your feet, and because they trust you implicitly. And you're going to kick ass tomorrow. I promise."

You sigh, "I know it's silly-"

"It's not silly. It's perfectly normal to be nervous, but your plan is Sam-proof. I'd tell you if it wasn't."

"Don't you mean idiot-proof?"

"Same thing," he quips, relishing in the feeling of finally getting a small chuckle out of you after so many stress-filled days of planning. "Now, can we please go to bed? I miss you."

"You are such a softie, you know that?"

"Just don't tell anyone else, I've got a reputation to uphold," he retorts. "Now let's get some sleep."


You place your hand in his, allowing him to pull you up off your desk chair. You smile up at him as he drags you to where a peaceful slumber awaits, feeling particularly thankful that somehow all the stars and planets aligned, and fate had brought you to Bucky, to your person.

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