Jealous Girl

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"Can I talk to you?" Bucky questions the moment he walks into your apartment.

"Yes... just give me one second," you mumble, trying to at least finish the chapter of the book that you were reading.

"It's kinda important," Bucky urges.

You place the book down on the table with a tight smile, "It always is."

"Okay, this time is actually is! I swear."

You narrow your eyes at him. The last time he said that it was actually important it was just for you to be the deciding vote for some silly, hypothetical question between him and Sam.

Despite your overwhelming desire to finish your book, you place your bookmark on your page and shut the book, "You have my undivided attention."

"Do you know how we tell each other everything?"


"I have to tell you something."

"Alright..." you suspiciously agree.

"I want to make it clear that nothing happened and I immediately shut it down," Bucky anxiously rambles. "Immediately."


"Well, I was in the conference room for a debrief and then some random SHIELD agent walked in, and I swear I have never met this lady in my life before, but she just sort of started flirting with me. And I swear that nothing happened and nothing would've ever happened, I told her I had a girlfriend! And honestly, I don't think I've ever said girlfriend so many times in a single sentence," Bucky rants, almost all in a single breath. He pulls out a slip of paper from his folder, "But she did sort of slip her number into my folder. I swear I never would've taken it otherwise."

The thing was, you believed him. Wholeheartedly, you believed and trusted Bucky.

Still jealousy burned in the pit of your stomach and the green eyed monster twinkled in your eye, "Oh."

Bucky winces at your uncharacteristically quiet reaction. "Are you mad?"

"Mad?" you dramatically scoff. You theatrically wave your hand at him, "I'm good. I'm totally fine. Not a problem. Problem? Not here. Not me."

"Your eye is twitching a little," Bucky points out.

"Can I just -" You pluck the card out of his hand, setting it on the table. Bucky looks confused for a moment before it spontaneously combusts into flames.

"Oh my God."

You sigh in relief, brightly smiling, "Now I feel better."

"Come on," Bucky playfully groans, wrapping his arms around you. "You know you're the only one for me."

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