Flufftober: Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies

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You were so close to making it back undiscovered.

So, so close.

It was really only because you loved him that you were willing to go such dramatic measures to keep the secret of one of Bucky's favorite pastimes. But just as you're in the home stretch, the hallway leading to your room now in sight, you run right into Sam. Or reason one of two Bucky wanted to keep this secret.

"Whatcha got there?" Sam asks, nudging his head to the plastic bag you haphazardly tucked behind your back when you saw him approaching you in the hallway.

Despite knowing exactly what he's talking about, you lift up the clear plastic cup in your right hand. "A smoothie."

He frowns, his eyes narrowing at you. "What are you hiding?"

"Nothing," you guiltily scoff.

"Alrighty then..." he suspiciously nods.

Okay," you agree, sidestepping Sam as he stands in the middle of the corridor. "Good talking to you."

Just as you're about to pass him, he quickly grabs the bag from behind your back. "Ah-ha!" He throws the bag open, quickly examining the contents. His eyes flicker back to you, his expression stuttering as he looks at the innocuous balls of yarn in the plastic bag. "It's... yarn? Since when do you know how to knit?"

"Yes..." you slowly agree, nodding your head. "The knitting supplies are for me."

"Everyone in this Compound is so boring now," he groans. "There's nothing to do."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

He shrugs, handing your bag back to you. "Probably."

"Okay... well, I should be going," you awkwardly excuse yourself, jutting your thumb in the direction of your room. You hold up the bag again, "Got lots of knitting to do. Very exciting."

"Call me when you decide to be fun again!" Sam teasingly calls after you.

"Will do!" you shout over your shoulder, quickly scurrying back to your room.

You've barely unlocked your door when Bucky throws the door open, quickly scanning both sides of the hallway for anyone that might be lurking nearby. "Did anyone see you?"

"God, you're so paranoid," you guffaw, rolling your eyes as you step into your room. "But on a completely unrelated note, you might have to knit Sam a sweater."

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