Fury Finds Out (Part 2)

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Anonymous request from Tumblr: "I'm missing fury and sunshine interactions 🙏🙏 was wondering if you could write smth abt our dynamic duo (father daughter even tho they won't acknowledge it)"

Sam bolts down the hallway in a desperate attempt to reach Bucky before Nick Fury does.

He barely escapes the sounds of Nick's voice bellowing down the hall when he finds you and Bucky standing in the common room.

"Oh, hey, Sam, I -"

"Hey, so you remember how I did you that favor and covered for you guys because you wanted to go to Coney Island instead of going to the very important meeting that I told you guys you had to be at?" Sam rants in one long winded breath, steam rolling over your words. "Without me, might I add?"

A little stunned by the frantic tone of Sam's voice, all that leaves your mouth is, "Uh... yeah?"

Sam keeps looking over his shoulder in a panic, "So, by that logic, you guys owe me one right?"

"What did you do?" you suspiciously ask.

Sam doesn't have a chance to answer before you three hear a familiar voice reverberate through the hallways, "Where the hell is he? Barnes!"

Sam winces at the shout, "Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and call in that favor right... about now. Clint was being an asshole and sorta told Nick that you guys were together."

"What?" you shriek.

"And that you're living together," Sam cringes. "And he might just be looking for Bucky."

Bucky groans, pinching the bridge of his nose, "On a scale of one to ten, how screwed am I?"

You reassuringly wrap your arm around Bucky's waist, "It's probably not that ba-"

Suddenly, Nick appears in the doorway of the common room, "Barnes!"

"12," Sam states. "Definitely screwed."

"Maybe he's just mad that we missed the meeting?" you halfheartedly suggest, wincing as Nick storms over to Bucky.

"Okay, you guys have fun with that. My work here is done for the day," Sam quips, making his way to out.

As he leaves, he crosses paths with Nick, Sam shrinks, jolting away from Nick's warpath.

Nick glares at Bucky for a moment. His eyes trail over to you, then to your arm wrapped around Bucky. Bucky gently moves your hand, "Maybe you shouldn't touch me right now?"

"How's it going, Nick?" you greet, ignoring his furious expression.

His nostrils flare as he breaks his glare at Bucky. "How's it going?"

"Have a good meeting?" you ask, your voice trailing off as anger literally rolls off of him.

"No," Nick enunciates, glaring at Bucky. "And you know why?"

"I think we can guess," Bucky mutters under his breath.

"I don't like being blindsided. I don't like not knowing. I know everything. Do you like pissing me off, Barnes?"

"No - no, of course not," Bucky stammers, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not knowing things, pisses me off. Not knowing important things, pisses me off even more."

"I meant to tell you, Nick. I swear-"

Nick continues speaking over Bucky, still glaring at him with a rage you'd never seen before, "Trying to pull a fast one, Barnes?"

"That was not my intention."

"So what were your intentions?"

Bucky was not usually scared of Nick Fury. Not in the slightest. But that was Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.

This was Nick Fury, the person who rescued you from captivity, the closest thing to a father figure in your life.

If he was a little less terrified of what Nick might do to him, he might've cracked a smile at Nick asking him what his intentions were with you.

"Wait, wait, wait!" you interject, "It was my fault, I wanted to tell you myself, but I just got back and we wanted to spend some time together before I left again. Bucky wanted to tell you months ago."

"This has been going on for months!?" Nick fumes.

You cringe, anxiously twisting your fingers, "I get the sense that you didn't know that."

Nick grits his teeth, his nostril flaring as he glares at Bucky. "I didn't know that."

Just as Nick's hands start curling into fists, you step in front of Bucky, who stands tense and ready to take a punch to the face.

"Please don't kill him, Nick," you ask, your voice filled with hope. "For me?"

Nick angrily sucks in a breath, only hesitating at your request.

For a moment, you're not sure if you actually convinced him to leave Bucky alone. He slowly exhales, still incredibly pissed off. He narrows his eyes slightly, he turns to Bucky, speaking softly, "I want you to know that I know hundreds of ways for you to disappear without a trace."

Bucky anxiously nods, "I don't doubt that, sir."

"Consider yourself warned."

"Yes, sir."

Nick turns to you after a moment of intensely glaring at Bucky. He points at you with an admonishing finger, "We'll discuss this later."

You nod with a wide grin, "I'll look forward to it."

"Oh my God," Bucky sighs in relief, his shoulders dramatically slumping after Nick walks out of the room.

"I think that went well!"

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