Flufftober: 'I hate you' - 'I love you too'

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"Wait," Bucky falters, standing on the edge of an enemy plane, ready to jump at a moment's notice. Everything on this mission had gone to plan so far, now all that remained was his extraction. "Did you say on three or after three?"

"On three," you definitively reply, watching Bucky's mission from the truck trailing him.

"After three," Sam replies simultaneously.

"You guys don't know when I'm jumping?" Bucky incredulously demands.

You scoff through the comm device, "Of course we do!"

You both cover the small microphone's on your communication devices. With wide eyes Sam quietly hisses, "You don't know when he's jumping?"

"It was your turn to listen to Steve!" you exclaim in a hushed tone.

"No, it was your turn! I listened to him the last time!"

"Guys!" Bucky shouts, wind swirling around him as he waits for his cue for a safe landing. "I'm on a little bit of a time crunch!"

You and Sam look at each other with winces painting your faces.

"After three," you both decide, pulling up to the location of Bucky's landing.

"You sure?" Bucky cautiously questions.

"Of course we're sure!" Sam assures him, though his voice is calm and full of reassurance, you both continue exchanging nervous glances.

"Okay, I see the lake," Bucky informs, silently counting down to ensure he lands in his designated landing zone.

Sam winces as the jet passes above the two of them. The two of you watch as Bucky jumps, completely missing the landing zone prepared for him and diving straight into the frosty lake. "It was before three, wasn't it?"

"I told you!" you exclaim, dramatically throwing your hands up in the air. You continue watching as Bucky splashes down into the water, you jut your thumb in the direction of the lake, "We should go get him."

Sam nods, slightly bemused, slightly cringing, "Probably."

You briskly walk down the short trail that leads to the large body of water. By the time you both make it to the edge of the lake, you see Bucky furiously storming out of the water, his clothes and gear sloshing with every movement.

Sam claps a hand over his mouth to suppress his laughter as Bucky passes the both of you with a silent, seething glare.

"I hate you," Bucky grumbles, fully drenched from head to toe.

"Love you too!' you call after him.

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