Comfortember: Lost

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"Well, it's official, we're lost," you declare, you and Bucky off standing to the side of his car that he pulled over just moments ago.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Bucky sarcastically remarks, the two of you looking in the direction you were just aimlessly heading down.

"Oh, come on, lighten up," you tease, grabbing Bucky's arm to place it around your shoulders. He rolls his eyes, but still pulls you closer into his embrace. "There's no one I'd rather be lost with."

He playfully grunts, raising his eyebrow slightly. "Thanks for that."

"I'm serious," you exclaim. "Look at this view! Got a super soldier to keep me toasty warm. This is great."

"It has been a great day," Bucky wistfully agrees. He takes a moment to enjoy how nice of a day it's actually been. Cruising all around upstate New York. No calls. No missions. No assignments looming around the corner. Watching from his peripheral as you sang and danced in the passenger seat. Holding the steering wheel with one hand, holding your hand with the other. It was a perfect day. It was more than either of you usually got in your line of work. Bucky sighs deeply, sparing one last kiss to the top of your head before removing his arm from around your shoulders. "Guess we should figure out our way back."

"Why?" you wonder.


You languidly shrug, truly unbothered at the thought of being lost. "Why do we have to figure out our way back right now? We've both got the weekend off, no place to be, nothing that needs our immediate attention. Why do we have to go back right this second?"

Bucky ponders your words for a moment. And honestly, he can't think of a good reason. You're right, it's not a bad place to be lost. The fall leaves were still brightly colored instead of a dull browns and yellows, they dusted the road, rhythmically falling on the windshield as you coasted down the long, winding roads without a care in the world. The sun was setting along the horizon, giving everything in sight a nice golden glow.

"So what do you suggest?"

You look up at him with a warm smile and an adoring gleam in your eye. "That we just keep driving."

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