|2|Love is blind right?

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Recap ✿⁠

Author pov

Jennie went upstairs to get ready to meet her 'friends' while Jisoo was peacefully eating her ramen

Love is blind right?

Jisoo pov

I was washing the dishes peacefully when Jennie came out wearing the most scandalous outfit ever

Jisoo:Where are you going exactly?

Jennie:Umm t-to a café,why?

Jisoo:Wearing that?

I looked at her with a serious look

Jennie:Y-yeah w-whats your problem


Jennie:I'll get going now ugly bitch

I ignored her not wanting to fight with someone useless

After doing all the chores I sat on the sofa and watched some anime

Taehyung usually come at 8 pm and it was 7:30 pm so I stood up after watching and started making dinner

After about half an hour I was done and waited for Taehyung to come...After about 5 minutes the bell rang which indicated that Mr Ice cube has arrived

Taehyung pov

Today I was hella tired as I had a lot of work to do...I just wanted to see Jennie's face

I entered the house and saw that ugly slut's face

I scoffed and headed upstairs thinking Jennie might be there

I couldn't find her so I asked Jisoo where she is

Taehyung:Where's Jennie? *worried*

Jisoo:Meeting her friends

I nodded and went upstairs until that bitch said something

Jisoo:Aren't you gonna have dinner

Taehyung:You'll not make me fall in love trying to act like you care about me *cold*

I continued to go upstairs and went to sleep

Author pov

Jisoo sighed sobbing silently and ate her dinner
She packed Taehyung's dinner in a lunchbox and kept it in the fridge to give it to a homeless person as that was her habit

Next day

Jisoo pov

I woke up and got ready

I went to Taehyung's room to take my headphones which I accidentally kept yesterday while cleaning to find Jennie still not here

I started looking for them when my eyes met Taehyung and admired his face for a minute

He looked like an angel when he's asleep but a dangerous devil when awake

I smiled and reluctantly pecked his forehead and went to make breakfast

I made breakfast and ate it quickly and rushed of to university

•At School•

I was rushing as I knew I was late, ignoring everyone I ran as fast I could when my head hit someones hard chest

I rubbed my forehead
and looked towards him to find him already staring at me

???:I'm so sorry Jisoo

Jisoo:How do you know my na... Nevermind it's okay,I'm late bye!

I rushed to my class and guess what I got one hour detention

After detention I was hanging out with Rosé and Lisa in the cafeteria to find the same person

???:Hi Jisoo!

Rosé:Wahh Jisoo!You didn't tell us you have a handsome friend

Lisa:Will you betray us *fake cries*

Jisoo:Bruh...Sorry for them..What was your name again?

Hyunjin:My name's Hyunjin

Jisoo:Ohh Hyunjin!Sorry I was abit rude at first

Hyunjin:No it's okay,You weren't...I-i,have a great time with your friends

I flashed my smile towards him and me,Lisa and Rosé went to eat our things

After a long day at school I grabbed my bag and got ready to go home

•Kai's home•

Author's pov


Jennie:Ahh fuck daddy

Kai:I wanna ride you all day princess

Jennie:Ahh daddy,I have to go home to or else my mom will be suspicious

Kai: Don't stop me from fucking you again or else we'll have to do another round

Jennie:Daddy I promise I will come for longer again

Kai:You better do,you only belong to me,fuck this

Jennie:Why did you stop,Daddy?

Kai:You better go,I'm busy... okay princess

Jennie:Yes daddy

Both of them kiss roughly and dress into there outfits

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