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Recap ✿

After the little interaction Tae's heart was going

BANG BANG,yes bang bang


Jisoo was not feeling well so she decided to call her so called 'husband'

She dialled the number he gave her and waited for him to answer but his phone was powered off

She let out a sigh before running her eye inspecting the room she was in

She saw a boy her age or younger than her so she called him

Jisoo:Excuse me!Can u come here


Jungkook looked towards the girl and walked towards her with a smile


Jisoo:I'm not feeling well...Can you call someone

Jisoo said letting out a pout which made Jungkook chuckle

Jungkook:Hmm no one's here right now how about we talk about our favorite things to decrease your pain...We had something to do with eachother even before this incident so no.need to worry

Jisoo:Sure I guess

Jungkook:I'll go first, What's your favorite color

Jisoo:Definitely purple,I exchange the question

Jungkook:Black definitely,A favorite moment of your life?

Jisoo:I don't remember much

Jungkook:Oh sorry..I remember

Jisoo:No problem,I only remember that my mom and dad wanted me to become an actress...I don't remember if I became one

Jungkook:You did...


Jungkook:Yeah,btw you're really pretty

Jisoo blushed at the comment and smiled at him



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