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Recap ✿




Jennie reached out for the jam and bread in the fridge

She took out a plate and started making her sandwich

She was humming to perfect by Ed Sheeran when she felt a familiar hand wrap around her waist



Kai:Are you free?

Jennie:Yeah,I have no photoshoot

Kai:Let's go out for a date

Jennie looked at him and smiled


She said now with a huge gummy smile

Kai kissed her cheeks and left Jennie being a blushing mess

(a/n:Kai effect)

Jennie did the chores and went to get ready for her date with Kai

After getting ready,she went to Kai's room to remind him


Kai:Yes bae

Jennie:Let's go!


Kai went pass her and both of them went to a café for their date in separate cars to avoid rumors,not that they are afraid...they just don't want too much public attention

Both of them had a decent lunch covered in masks but they made sure to enjoy the best of it

In Jennie's eyes Kai was the most perfect human ever...

They both went into there separate cars and went directly to their home

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