|16|My responsibility

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Recap ✿

Taehyung:Yeah, don't worry about that now because for now you are my...

•My responsibility•

my responsibility

Taehyung blurted out the last two words with sincerity in his heart

He didn't know why he had this feeling when he talked with Jisoo heart to heart

Was it her personality or her stunning visuals?

Taehyung was not aware of his feelings right now,was this a right feeling?

(a/n:You idiot!I don't know why I am writing his fucking feelings right now)

He tried to forget his stupid thoughts and went outside to get required medicines for Jisoo's treatment

Jisoo sat there silently not knowing where she was and what brought her here

Suddenly Chaelisa entered Jisoo's room and both of them started crying loudly while Jisoo was staring at them in shock

Jisoo:*clears throat* Who are you two?

Lisa started crying hardly while Rosé was consoling her

Lisa: P-please tell y-you remember me

Jisoo:I'm sorry

Lisa looked at her with her teary eyes while Jisoo was only feeling guilty for making a stranger cry

Lisa and Rosé went out of the room sobbing as Tae entered

Taehyung scratched his nape and talked to Jisoo

Tae:Sorry for taking a long time,Here your medicines

Jisoo looked at him with a smile and took the medicines

Jisoo:Thank you

Taehyung smiled back and left the room

After the little interaction Tae's heart was going

BANG BANG,yes bang bang

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