|11|I'm sorry

390 29 2

Recap ✿

Taehyung:But babe-

Jennie:Bye TaeTae

Taehyung:Hmm bye!

•Save me•

Jisoo pov

I smiled thinking about my dreams coming true, suddenly Rosé came in my room with milk

Rosé:Hey Chu unnie!

Jisoo:*clears throat* Yeah Rosie,wassup?

Rosé:Take this and I know this is random but some people have really strong hearts that scars can't even make them look ugly *smiles*

Jisoo:What are you saying speak normally

I said confused by Rosé's statement

Rosé:It's just that even after so many people hurting you again,here you are strangled with them only to fight for your dreams

Jisoo:*sigh*Why do you worry so much

I said giving her an assuring smile

Rosé:Unnie I'm very scared what if something happens to you!I-i can't take care of Lisa without you...S-she's really fragile *sobs*

I looked at her biting my lips as I didn't want to look weak infront of her

Jisoo:N-nothing will happen to me,Your n-not alone Rosie

I finally bursted to tears,I couldn't keep all of this to myself for so long

I wanted someone to comfort me

Rosé pulled me in her embrace,we stayed like this for a few minutes then went downstairs for breakfast

Taehyung pov

I was all alone at home so I decided to meet hyung and Jungkook so I wore my hoodie and took my keys

•At Junghope's home•

Author pov


Jhope:What is it bunny?

Jungkook:I'm kinda nervous


Jungkook:It's because of Jisoo

Jhope:There's nothing to be worried about,I met her...She's such a sweetheart,I insisted to pay for her surgeries but she payed anyways

Jungkook:Hmm she sounds like an ange-

*Door bell ring*

Jungkook:I'll go get it

Jungkook proceeded to open the door lazily

Jungkook:Who is i-Hyung?

Taehyung:Umm hi

Jungkook:Hi,come in ig

Taehyung:Yeah thanks,Where's Hobi Hyung?

Jungkook:Upstairs *Jungkook said opening a pack of banana milk*


Jhope:No need to talk to me


Jhope:Get lost

Taehyung:Hyung please lis-

Jhope:GET LOST!I NEVER EVER SHOUTED TO YOU IN MY LIFE,BUT THINK again...when you deserve my sorry then come here

Taehyung knelt down and joined his hands towards Jhope showing he is really sorry

Taehyung:H-hyung I-i know w-what I did was wrong b-but please forgive me! P-please?

Jhope:*sigh* Stand up,If you don't love her divorce her

Taehyung:I will H-hyung *sob*

Jhope:Okay...I forgive you

Both Jhope and Taehyung hugged eachother

Jungkook:YOU FORGOT ME *fake cries*

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