|5|Blinding lights

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Recap ✿

Jisoo:It was my fault to love you

You are gonna regret bad Kim Taehyung

•Blimding Lights•

Jisoo pov

I was breathing heavily,Never in this 4 year relationship I thought he would kick me out...

I did everything to love him but he broke my heart

I was running when I saw a man approaching me

There was no source of light except the street lights,I stopped under a tree... Right now I didn't care if I was kidnapped or killed

The man came with a warm smile

"What are you doing in such dark" he said still with a smile

I was too weak to speak and right before I knew it I had fainted...

I was too weak to speak and right before I knew it I had fainted

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Jung Ho-seok

Personality:Warm and joyful all the time but,always want's justice for innocent souls...Is very friendly...
Friends: Taehyung and Jungkook

Hobi pov

I was walking down the streets under my umbrella because today I couldn't find any taxi and my car was at home

I was walking when I saw a girl drenched in water,she looked familiar...I walked towards her to see her crying a mess

I asked if she was okay but she just fainted on the ground

I panicked and rushed her to the hospital and took her phone

I searched for a number and saw that there was a number saved "hubby"

I dialed the number and I heard a familiar and husky voice


Tae:Hmm who is this?

Hobi:Tae is this you?


Hobi:Mhm,your wife is really sick and she's unconscious


Hobi: Aren't you gonna come?

Tae:Why would I come for that slut,Just call her mom or dad

Hobi: Taehyung you have gone mad!Your leaving your wife in such state?!

Tae:I don't care for this bitch,good night!

*call ended*

I was really mad at Taehyung for this shitty behavior,but I didn't judge Taehyung quickly... maybe she did something wrong but no matter what I had a responsibility to help her

I calmed myself down and called a girl on her phone named "Lisa"

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