|10|Shattered love

365 31 5

Recap ✿


Shattered love

Rosé:Exactly Jisoo,you really are crazy

Jisoo:*pout* stop teasing me and tell me who this Jungkook person is?

Rosé:He's a famous act-

Lisa:He is the most famous,handsome,hottest,talented and daring person ever

Jisoo chuckled and said

Jisoo:Looks like someone is crushing

She said with a big smile hitting Lisa's shoulder playfully

•Next day•


Jennie:What is it Tae?

Taehyung:Jennie what exactly is this?

Taehyung said with confused eyes holding a used condom found in Jennie's bag

Jennie:Uhh oh this,this is umm the condom w-we used l-last night

Taehyung:But I always throw the condom?

Jennie:Do you trust me

Taehyung:Of course Jen

Jennie:Then why are you interrogating me?

Taehyung:Hmm I'm just asking

Jennie:*rolls eyes* don't do this ever again btw I'm going out

Taehyung:But babe-

Jennie:Bye TaeTae

Taehyung:Hmm bye!

First of all WTF I got 13th ranking in vsoo*wipes tears*

I just wanna say thanks to all of you who supported my story till here

Your comments always steals my heart but I manage to take it back *wink wink*

I wanted to give y'all an update so here it is ✧⁠*⁠。

Ly all!One week left for my exams to start

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