|7|Is this right?

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Recap ✿

Jisoo:If you will kill that bastard he will only feel pain for a little while,I need him to feel it

slow and painfully

•Is this right?•

Taehyung:Jisoo?!Have you gone mad...That talentless slut

Jennie:Stop thinking so much Taehyung!She is talentless resulting her to be embarrassed infront of the whole world

Taehyung:Hmm my girl is really intelligent

Jennie:Of course I am *proud smile*...Now give me her number!

Taehyung:Ok babe

•Hobi and Jungkook•

Hobi:You know what!


Jeon JungkookAge:19Personality:Handsome,sweet and kind

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Jeon Jungkook
Personality:Handsome,sweet and kind...Is very generous and funny
Friends:Hobi and Taehyung

Hobi:Why are you shouting?!

Jungkook:You came sooo late hyung!

Hobi:Oh that...it's because I met a pretty girl in the way *smirk*

Jungkook:Uff who?

Hobi:I didn't take her picture idiot!

Jungkook:Then I don't believe you *crossed arms*

Hobi:Ugh come let's watch a movie,okay?

Jungkook:Hmm okay which one?

•Jisoo's side•

I was staying with Chaelisa for a few days,Both of them skipped the field trip because of me,I was really happy that atleast someone cares about me...I was sleeping peacefully roaming in my Dreamland when my shitty phone started ringing

Jisoo:*annoyed*who is this?

???:Are you Kim Jisoo?

Jisoo:Mhm...Who are you?

Boss:I am Jackson,a famous director

Jisoo:Ahh nice to meet you,but why are you calling?

Boss:We want to take your audition!


Boss:Yes,come at xxx company tomorrow at 8 pm

Jisoo:Okay,I will come tomorrow *smile*

Boss:Thank you

•Call ended•

I was beyond shocked that the biggest director in Korea called me

I smiled and again fell asleep thinking about this

•Next day•

•At the company•

Jisoo:Excuse me,where is the audition room

Receptionist:Are you Kim Jisoo?


Receptionist:Go straight and then take a turn,there you will find a corridor,there will be a black door,you have to enter it

Jisoo:Thank you so much *smiles*

I went to the room happily

When I entered I saw the person I least expected to be here

Jennie Kim

Her presence just made me annoyed and nervous

Boss:Good Morning ma'am

Jisoo:G-good Morning sir!

Jennie:Please hurry up sir!I have a tight schedule which can not be disturbed

Boss:Okay...Miss Kim we need you to say these lines,you have 5 minutes...

I held the papers and I started memorizing the lines on the page

After 5 minutes,I presented my lines as best as I could,filled with emotions

I thought I did well but everyone's expressions were wierd,I couldn't tell if they were disappointed or proud

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