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Recap ✿

I thought I did well but everyone's expressions were wierd,I couldn't tell if they were disappointed or proud


Boss:Miss Kim...


Boss:You are accepted!You will be our other main role

Jisoo: Really!thank you so much,this really means a lot

Jennie:What?!I mean there are still many other people who want to audition!

Boss:Are you jealous Ms Kim?I'm going to make her the lead role and you were the one who told me about her...

Jennie:I'm not jealous!I'm actually really happy for her

I could clearly see anger visible in Jennie,She definitely made a plan to embarrass me

I smirked at her and bowed to everyone then left

•Next day•

•Taennie pov•

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•Taennie pov•

Taehyung:Jennie what is this?!

Jennie:That slut seduced him

Taehyung:That ugly bitch?

Jennie:Mhm,anyways I'm going to my friends home

Taehyung:*pout* stay with me!

Jennie:Don't become such a baby Tae!Bye!!!


Taehyung pov

I glanced at my phone,Seems that slut became pretty, Probably because of the amount of makeup she has put..

I shrugged my thoughts and went to the bedroom

•Hobi and Jungkook pov•

Hobi:See!!!This is the girl I'm talking about!

Jungkook:Hmm lemme see...Hahahaha

Jungkook burst out laughing

Jungkook:How come you met this actress,I'm not a fool!

Hobi:I'm not lying and she is Taehyung's wife

Jungkook:OMG wife now too,please stop...I'm not crazy

Hobi:Let's ask Taehyung

Jungkook:Sure,do it right now

Hobi:Lemme text him

Hobi 🌞

Hey bro!

Taehyung 🐯

Hi hyung

Wanna meet at the club today?

Sure I have nothing to do!

Good,Come at 6

Sure,bye hyung


Hobi:Now we will see who's lying Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook:Yeah sure

Jenkai pov•

Kai:So baby,what do you want to eat?

Jennie:Umm I'll take pasta,you?

Kai:I'll eat you *husky voice*

Jennie blushed and playfully hit Kai's shoulder

Jennie:Stop this and hurry order *gummy smile*


After giving the order and having there meal Jenkai decided to go home

•Taehyung's pov•

We three were at a crowded club with girls swaying thier hips and boys drinking as if thier life depends on it

I sipped my alcohol and turned towards both of them

Taehyung:So why you both called me here?

Jungkook:To have fun hyung!

Hobi:And prove Jungkook wrong *smirk*

Taehyung:What wrong?

Jungkook:Hyung is this pretty and sexy girl your wife

Jungkook said blushing giving Tae his phone

I looked at the girl and yes it was my bitchy wife Kim Jisoo

Taehyung:Yes this slut is my wife

Jhope knew Jisoo wasn't this kind of person,as much as it hurted to believe a mere girl instead of his friend he knew Tae was wrong


Taehyung:Don't dare take my girlfriend's name

Hobi:Do you think it was right to have a girlfriend while having a wife,then later kicking her out only for the sake of your girlfriend,I hope you regret alot in your life

In anger Hobi left the restaurant,he couldn't stand someone insulting an angel who is innocent

Jungkook:Sorry hyung but,I didn't expect this behavior from you

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