|13|My fault

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Recap ✿

Jhope:What happend Jungkook why are you silent

Jungkook:H-hyung c-come to xxx place now!

Jhope:Okay but why?

Jungkook:Just come right now!

My fault

Jhope:Hmm I'm coming,tell me what happened atleast

Jungkook:H-hyung you know J-jisoo right?

Jhope:Yeah what about her?

Jungkook:Come,look for yourself

Hobi wasn't getting a single thing what Jungkook wanted to say so he just fastened the pace of his car and he soon reached

Jhope:So what is it you wanted me to see

•Chaelisa side•


Lisa:Rosie Posie!


Lisa:You home?


Lisa:No...Call Jisoo,she's not picking my calls


Rosé dialled Jisoo's number and called her twice but Jisoo didn't respond

Rosé:Her numbers going of Lalisa

Lisa:Hmm okay,well I'm reaching home in two minutes

Rosé:Okay,Mila's parents came...I'm coming too

•Time skip•

Both Maknaes came but found know sign of the elder female

They looked at eachother with shock and worriedness

Right then,Lisa was called by the same person who called her when Jisoo was sent to the hospital


Jhope:Lisa come to xxx hospital right now!

Lisa:Okay but do you know where is Jisoo unnie?

Jhope:S-she's in the hospital

With that Lisa ended the call and looked at Rosé being pale

Lisa:We have to go to the hospital now

Rosé:But why?

Lisa:Idk yet,hurry let's go

•Junghope side•

Both of them were walking around the hospital hoping for both the girls to come and see Jisoo

Jungkook found Jisoo naked so a female nurse had to change her and right now she was going through a surgery

A female nurse started walking towards Jungkook

Nurse:Excuse me are you with Kim Jisoo?


Nurse:She lost alot of blood along with her virginity I think,It looks like she's been raped
(a/n:Looks,bish are you trying to say a beast did this)

Jungkook:What can you do?

Jungkook said with a worried expression even though he had never met the female

Nurse:We're performing surgery right now,You'll have to wait and hope for the best

Jungkook thanked the doctor and looked at the entrance which revealed two young females right now

Both of them walked towards Jhope completely ignoring the celebrity which both have been crushing on

Jungkook walked towards his hyung and the two girls

Rosé:What happened?

Jhope:Jisoo has been raped,we found her in an empty room...We don't know who did it yet

Lisa's blood boiled listening that she couldn't do anything while her best friend was going through this while guilt rushed through Rosé as she couldn't do anything aswell

Both of them were sitting taking deep breaths and praying for their unnie to be well

Jungkook took out his phone and dialed a number before putting the phone near to his ear

Jungkook:Hyung come to xxx hospital right now!

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