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Recap ✿

Jisoo:Goodbye Tae,you'll probably find me after a long time


After Jisoo left Taehyung wanted to feel guilty but in his views,he was right,his breakup between Jennie was all because of Jisoo

Because of frustration he went to sleep after messaging Jennie to meet him tomorrow at 5

•The next day•

Jisoo was staying at Rosé's home,It had been quite a long time since they both met because of the memory loss

Jisoo told all about Rosé yesterday and Rosé just listened to her about everything her bestfriend had been going through

They didn't tell Lisa about it as she was out of station and she would worry alot

Rosé was making breakfast for both of them when they heard a ring of a bell at the door

Jisoo went to open the door and she froze when she saw the person infront of her

She widened her eyes in astonishment


Jennie:Jisoo,can we talk

Rosé glared at Jennie the whole time but later she went to her room to give privacy to both the girls

Jisoo looked at Jennie with coldness,she was always kind with everyone but Jennie wasn't a person she had good history with

Jisoo:Why are you here *cold*

Jennie:Please Jisoo,please forgive me

She said as if she was almost going to cry

Jisoo just looked at her with no emotion and chuckled

Jisoo:For what specifically?

Jennie looked at Jisoo with guilt in her eyes before telling her what she was going through

Jennie:Jisoo please forgive me!I-i know what I did with you was wrong but seriously I've changed alot...I-i was using Tae just because of money and I was with Kai,but I b-broke up with both of them

She finally burst in tears while Jisoo confused and in shock looked at her


She said in a low tone as if whispering,the words that escaped from Jennie's mouth sounded unbelievable

Jennie:H-he was a rapist,Infact his brother Hyunjin,he was one too

Jisoo was in utter shock knowing the man who raped her was Jennie's ex's brother

She took a deep breath remembering the dark moments

Jennie:He tried to rape me bad,I-i was so scared Jisoo...I thought I was gonna die b-but then a man came inside with his girlfriend and saved me,Jisoo please,I made your life a living hell and I just want to say sorry,I can't get back with Tae...not after what I did to him...I seek for your forgiveness Jennie continued before crying like crazy
(a/n:Jimin's like crazy 😎)

Jisoo looked at her with worry,she had gone through the same as her but she had no one to console her

Jisoo went near Jennie and hugged her and Jennie hugged her back

Jennie looked at her and mouthed a thank you not having enough strength to speak

Jennie soon bid bye to Jisoo and Rosé and went to go meet Tae as Jisoo had asked her to go and meet him as he wanted

Rosé:You okay?

Jisoo:Yeah,Rosé there's a secret I wanna share with you

Rosé:Go ahead,I'm listening

You aren't going to know about the secret in this chapter *evil laugh*

Any ways dear saranghwaes I'm discontinuing True love due to few issues,So sorry love y'all

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