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Recap ✿

Taehyung just looked at both the girls with an amused face and went inside the ward anyways

Forgot you

Doctor:Excuse me sir


Doctor:We are sorry to tell you but your patient...

Lisa:What happend to Jisoo!

Lisa blurted in not caring about the faces she got

Doctor:*sigh* She has memory loss

Lisa felt her whole world falling she stumbled back and looked at a doctor with hesteric face

Lisa:No this isn't true

Lisa grabbed Taehyung's collar and she was about to punch him when Rosé came crying stopping Lisa from taking a wrong step

Taehyung just scoffed and went inside Jisoo's room and looked at her covered with blood unconscious

He looked at her covered with blood and bruises

Taehyung hesitately carresed her cheeks and left the room immediately

He looked at his surroundings before taking out his phone and dialing Jennie's number


Taehyung:Hello Jennie?

Jennie:Yes TaeTae!

Taehyung:One of my friend is in the hospital right now,I may run late today

Jennie's serious face formed into a smirk

Jennie:Sure bae,take your time...I'll wait for you

Taehyung:Thank you for understanding,Take care baby...I love you

Jennie:Love you too!

With that Taehyung ended the call and looked towards Jungkook with a 'what to do now' face

Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to do

He asked the doctor if Jisoo had gained conscious and then the doctor nodded

Taehyung again went inside Jisoo's room


Jisoo:Mmm who is this?

Jisoo said trying to sit properly

Taehyung:It's okay lay down,I'm your h-husband

Taehyung said with a look of reluctance as he didn't want to be rude at this moment-She had lost her memory and giving her stress would be no good


She said with a confused yet cute look which made Tae chuckle

Taehyung:Yeah, don't worry about that now because for now you are my...

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