Chapter 1

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Kakucho was lying on his hospital bed. It has been two month since the Tenjiku's clash with the Tokyo Manjikai. And he had also been moping around for two months, wondering what will he do now that Izana was dead. Without him, his life was meaningless.

When a nurse came in.

- Mister Kakucho ? Someone came to see you.

Kakucho expected to see Takemichi, as usual. But he widened his eyes. It can't be. These hair, this look, these iconic earrings...

- Izana ?!

But he quickly calmed down as he detailed the person more closely. It wasn't Izana, it was a woman and she has red eyes as Izana's ones were purple. But the likeness was striking. 

-    Hitto Kakucho, one of the Heavenly Kings of Tenjiku

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- Hitto Kakucho, one of the Heavenly Kings of Tenjiku.

- Who are you ?

- You were the closest and the more loyal person to the Tenjiku's leader, Kurokawa Izana.

- Answer my question.

- You were transferred to this hospital, after the clash with the Tokyo Manjikai, in which you have been shot in the shoulder. This day has been nicknamed "The Kanto Incident". It has been marked by the death of three people : Sano Emma, Kisaki Tetta and Kurokawa Izana.

A flow of memories came back in Kakucho's head and tears came to his eyes.


- I come from the Philippines, I travelled to Japan four years ago, and I came to you because of my older brother's death. My name is Kurokawa Yoko.

- Kurokawa ? Like...

- Yes. Kurokawa Izana was my elder brother.

- It... It can't be ! Izana only had one little sister and she was Emma Sano.

- It is however the truth. Emma wasn't Izana's real sister. They were not related by blood.

- It's not true... You're lying... Izana always told me that his sister was Emma Sano.

- Believe it or not, it was nothing else but a lie invented by Emma's mother. But it is not the reason of my visit. I came to see you because I have a goal ; I want to destroy Mikey. And for that, I need you, Kakucho. Will you help me ?

Kakucho did not tell anything. Too many thoughts and questions were swirling around in his head.

- You don't have to answer to my question now. I'll be there, the day you get out of the hospital. I'll be waiting for you outside.

She left the room, leaving Kakucho in doubt.

Was she telling him the truth ? Did Izana lie to him ? For what reason ? Or maybe she's the one lying to him ? But he has to admit that they look very similar. What should he do ?


The day of his release from the hospital, a month later, he saw her waiting outside.

- So ? What's your answer ?

Quite unexpectedly, Kakucho knelt before of her and bowed his head.

- Izana and I have known each other since childhood. I always followed him until his death in the "Kanto incident". Izana... Izana took three bullets to protect a simple servant like me ! Since his death, I didn't know what to do. I was thinking of ending my life to go to him, then you came. You gave me a new reason to live. So... I would be glad to serve my King's little sister ! I, Hitto Kakucho, swear to devote my life to you, Kurokawa Yoko !

Yoko smiled. She succeeded.

- Get up Kakucho, we have a lot to do and not much time to go. First of all, we need a certain number of people to clash the Kanto Manjikai.

- The Kanto Manjikai ?

- It's the name of the gang formed by Manjiro Sano or Mikey. In July 2008, the Battle of Three Deities will break out, a conflict between Japan's three strongest gangs, the Rokuhara Tandai, Brahman and Kanto Manjikai. Our goal is to find the best people possible to participate. We are currently on June 3rd 2008. So we have one month to go.

- How can you know what'll happen next month ? How do you know it will really happen ?

- My intuition, I guess.

- Do you already know of how you're going to defeat Mikey ? Do you know who you want to recruit ?

- You could say that. I have my eye on a few good ones. The first person I want in my team is Kokonoi Hajime, the "moneymaker".

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now