Chapter 15

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Kawata brothers were in a very bad situation. They might be among the strongest guys in Toman, but they were no match for the Haitani brothers' duo. They had already broken Angry's right arm and leg, and now they were going after Smiley.

Angry had tears in his eyes.

- Stop it, you'll kill him!

- Stop Souya, don't cry!

But it was too late. Angry was in tears, and looked as if he had gone into a state. He got up and walked towards the Haitani brothers.

- How is it possible? I broke his leg!

Rindou tried to push Angry backward, but he didn't move an inch.

- If I were you, I'd run. Angry's not the kind of guy who likes to beat people up, y'know ? He's my opposite, he's super nice, a real lil' angel. But when he cries, he can't control himself. The crying blue ogre is many times stronger than me. He's a killer.

Ran, who was listening to Nahoya and watching Rindou, was beginning to fear for his brother.

- Get out of here Rindou, he'll kill you!

But Angry had already kicked him and sent him crashing to the ground.


Then he noticed that Angry was gone.

- Where the hell is he ?!

- Behind you.

He also sent Ran to join his brother. The two Haitani were K.O. Angry was about to finish them off when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his brother's smile.

- Hey Souya, calm down.

Angry looked normal again.

- I'm sorry Nahoya, I broke the promise and cried. But I thought they were going to kill you and...

- It's okay, it's okay. Remember, it's my job to protect you, not the other way around. Besides, it wasn't those two clowns who were gonna kill me, they're crap.


On his side, Kakucho was doing well against Sanzu. He was stronger than him and had knocked him out.

- It's over, Sanzu.

He turned to move away but felt a sharp pain in his back. As if a blade was going through his body.

- Die, Kakucho!

He turned around to see that Sanzu had slashed him with his katana. He fell to the ground. He was slowly bleeding to death.

- I can... I can't die here! I can't leave Yoko alone. I have to protect her !

He closed his eyes against his will. He heard a familiar voice. A voice he hadn't heard in a long time whispered in his ear.

- Still reckless, huh ? Well, that's how you've always been.

He turned around to see...

- Izana?!

- Hi Kakucho. Long time no see. You always think of others before yourself, even when you're dying, you think of Yoko instead of yourself. I was counting on you to reason with my sister, but I see that your loyalty has overridden your reason. Are you ready?

Izana held out his hand to Kakucho who was in tears. He took it and smiled. He was going to die in peace, and that made him happy.

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now