Chapter 5

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- You want to... You wanna fight Mikey?

Takemichi had managed to gather the former Toman members at the Musachi Shrine. He was accompanied by Yoko, whom the others didn't look too kindly on, seeing Izana in her.

- And you want us to ally with the sister of our former enemy...

- ...To take on our former friend?

Nahoya took a deep breath and with his unflappable smile, he walked towards Takemichi.

- I'm gonna kill him!

His brother Souya tried to hold him back with great difficulty.

- If you killed everyone you threatened, we'd all be dead by now.

Everyone looked at them strangely, but they were used to it by now. Inui then spoke up.

- And you say that girl with you is Izana's sister?

- And that we should team up with her?

- You know me and Pachin aren't very smart, so we don't know what you're talking about.

- All we know is that you want to save Mikey, Takemitchy, and that Mikey's been my buddy for a long time.

- Hum... Thank you Pachin-kun.

Chifuyu and Draken sighed and took Takemichi by one arm each.

- Uh, we'll borrow him for a few minutes.

They dragged him away, leaving Yoko alone with the others who looked at her really badly. Chifuyu was the first to speak.

- Are you crazy, Takemitchy ?! You wanna fight Mikey ?!

- What happened in the future that made you come back ? We had it all worked out!

- Nothing, everything is fine, everyone is alive and happy but... Mikey-kun, he's not fine, when I left the future he was about to kill himself !

- Don't mess with us, your goal was to save Hina and that's done now, so stay out of Mikey's business, got it ?!

- This future where everybody's okay... It's because of Mikey-kun, so I'm not giving up on him, okay ?! I will not let Mikey-kun die, you hear me ?! Even if you don't want to help me, I'll beat him myself, and I'll bring him back to us !

Chifuyu and Draken laughed, which surprised Takemichi.

- That Takemitchy !

- We knew we couldn't reason with you. It wasn't for lack of trying. The Kanto Manjikai had better to watch out...

- Because we're gonna beat the shit out of Mikey !

Takemichi had tears in his eyes. It must be said that he cries surprisingly fast.

- Guys... Thank you!

They came back to the others where there was a tense atmosphere with the Toman staring at Yoko, who didn't seem at all unsettled by all the looks on her and continued to smile at them. Draken asked for everyone's attention.

- We talked about it and... We decided to walk with her.

There was a long silence that Nahoya was the first to break.

- What ? Draken ?! You're not serious ?! She's Izana's family, she's probably as rotten as her big bro ! Have you forgotten what they did to Emma ?!

- Yeah, I know, and you're probably right, but this is probably our only chance to get Mikey back.

They all agreed. At first they were reticent, but then they all agreed. Mitsuya, Hakkai, Peyan, Pachin, Inui, Nahoya and Souya.

- I'm okay with that

- If Taka-chan is in, I'm in too !

- Like I said, I don't get your bullshit, but if it's to bring Mikey back, I'm in. Right, Pachin ?

- Yeah, that's right.

- I swore to follow Takemitchy in everything he does so I'm in too.

- Well, I guess I can't change your mind, guys. Besides, it could be fun, right bro ?

- Yeah, if you say so.

Draken smiled as he saw that everyone was willing.

- So, the debate is over. *To Yoko* We agree to work with you, but if you do anything suspicious, we'll kill you, got it? We don't care about your motives, we just wanna see Mikey again.

- I get it. I'm not asking you to trust me, trust is acquired over time, and time is exactly what we don't have. Just follow my directions and you'll see Mikey again soon.

And so she left, leaving the whole Toman in doubt. Was she an ally, or an enemy?

Yoko smiled and mumbled some inaudible words.

- You better watch out Mikey, 'cause I'm gonna kill you by myself.

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now