Chapter 14

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As in the last fight, Mikey stayed behind the members of his gang. Wasn't he going to participate in the fight?


Yoko was stunned. Why wasn't Mikey at the front? Wasn't he going to fight? Yet he was the one who had sent them the invitation. Why would he do it if he wasn't going to fight? Was he making fun of her?

She got angry and was about to go and find him where he was.

- Watch out, Yoko!

Kakucho took the blow that she should have received and fell to the ground. The author of this blow was none other than the number 2 of Kanto Manjikai, Sanzu Haruchiyo.

- I won't let you reach Mikey, Kurokawa!

Yoko punched him and sent him five meters away.

- She sent Sanzu more than five meters away! She's a monster!

Yoko crouched down in front of Kakucho's face who was still stunned by the blow he had just received.

- So my brother gave his life for someone like you? That's pitiful. If Izana was as much like me as you said, he must not have liked weak men. Get up Kakucho, if you don't want me to consider you as a lesser man.

Her words offended Kakucho who got up automatically.

- You are right, Izana didn't like weak men. I'll make sure he doesn't interfere in your fight with Mikey.

Yoko smiled. She knew how Kakucho worked. He was a loyal soldier, saying those words would hurt him for sure.

Sanzu on the other hand, had just stood up.

- Do you want me to tell you something, Kakucho? I could never fit you in, you disgust me to the core, even when we were in Tenjiku together.

- The feeling is mutual. Get over here, motherfucker!


Smiley and Angry were standing in front of Ran and Rindou Haitani.

- Look, the Haitani brothers from Roppongi!

- The Kawata brothers, the demons of Meguro. I've always wanted to fight you. They say your duo is stronger than ours? I'd like to see that!

Nahoya's smile stretched even wider and he punched the air with his fist.

- Let me tell you, you're gonna take a hit, bastard!

He then turned to Angry and put a hand in his hair.

- I think I don't have to remind you anymore Angry, but don't cry, okay? Even if I die, don't you dare cry, got it?

- Yeah it's okay, I know...


Wakasa and Benkei were in front of Shion Madarame and his men armed with bats.

- I am Shion Madarame! The leader of the 9th generation of Black Dragons!

Benkei was annoyed all of a sudden.

- You're a disgrace to the Black Dragons! Shin had to be alive to see what his gang had become!

- Me and my men are gonna smash you, the first generation!

Within thirteen seconds, all of Madarame's men were on the ground. Waka's blood too was boiling.

- What men? I don't see anyone else but you, asshole.


Pachin was the first to arrive in front of Mikey.

- MIKEY! What are you doing ?! What happened to you ?!

- What do you want, Pachin ?

- I want you back, Mikey, you're the leader of the gang, without you, Toman is no longer Toman! The Toman was founded by the six of us. Baji, Draken, Mitsuya, Kazutora, you and me. Baji and Draken are dead, Kazutora is in jail and Mitsuya is depressed since Draken died. That leaves you and me.

- I don't give a damn, I'm not coming back to Toman.

- Do you remember why we founded Toman? It was Baji's idea. He wanted to create a gang where everyone would put their lives on the line for each other. He then named you the leader of the gang. We entrusted our lives to you, we followed you to the end, us and all those who joined us in the meantime. And you know why? Because we all love you, Mikey.

- Get out of here, Pachin!

- Mikey, you're my buddy, so I'm with you through thick and thin. If you need to blow off steam, I'm here for you.

Mikey got up and walked over to Pachin. He kicked him hard on the back of the neck. Pachin didn't move an inch.

- This guy's crazy! He was able to withstand Mikey's high kick!

- The Red Eye guys, they're not human!

And so it went on. Mikey threw several kicks at Pachin, who took them all. He was out of breath but refused to give up.

- He's crazy! He's exhausted but he's still standing!

- It's crazy, he's taking all of Mikey's kicks!

Pachin was sweating and could hardly stand. His legs were shaking and he could hardly breathe from the flurry of blows.

- Mikey... Are you okay now...? Do you feel better...? 'Cause I'm gonna have a little nap now...

Pachin fell down on the ground, dead tired.

- Sorry, Pachin.

At that moment, Yoko arrived and saw Pachin knocked out.

- Don't you have any mercy for your own friends?

Yoko started the fight by kicking him and he intercepted.

- I will avenge Izana's cause.

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now