Chapter 16

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Yoko was doing blow after blow, but Mikey wasn't responding to any of her punches or kicks.

- What are you doing, Mikey ?! Why don't you attack me ?!

- I can't hit my own sister.

- What the hell are you saying ?!

- You're Izana's sister. Then you're my sister too.

Yoko couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to confront Mikey before killing him. She wanted to know how Izana felt before he died. She wanted to feel closer to him. But Mikey refused to fight her. And worse, he called her "sister". He had really pushed her to the limit.


She lunged at him and was about to stab him when she stopped short. The sound of a gunshot. Yoko touched her right rib. Her hand was red. It was bleeding.

- No... No...

Yoko was bleeding out little by little. But she was still standing. She walked towards Mikey as best as she could.

- I... Can't... Die right now... I haven't yet... Be able to fulfill Izana's dream.

Her vision blurred little by little, she was only a few centimeters away from Mikey, she tried to touch him but she was just stirring the air. Finally, her legs gave out on her and she fell to the ground.

She could at least see who had shot her. She saw Madarame's tearful face. A gun in his hand. Mikey looked panicked.

- What the hell did you do?

- I had no choice ! If I hadn't killed her, she would have made my life hell !

Yoko, who could not see clearly, could not hear any sound.

- In the end, my life has really been a succession of failures. I couldn't save my friends, I couldn't help my brother, I couldn't avenge either of them.

She closed her eyes and saw Keiko, Aoi and Izana.

- I'm going to die, right?

- You didn't have to avenge us. All we wanted was for you to be happy. Said Keiko.

- It's a pity we didn't meet earlier, Yoko. But there's no time for that now. I don't feel any grudge against anyone anymore. So, if you want to honor me, leave your hatred aside and die in peace. Said Izana.

Yoko opened her eyes again. The fighting had stopped. Everyone was gathered around her. Everyone saw her as Izana's reincarnation.

She turned her head to the members of her gang.

- I apologize to you. I couldn't help you accomplish your goals, as I promised. I lied to you and used you to achieve my goals. I hope that... you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Thank you all.

Then she turned her head to Mikey.

- Mikey... I just saw Izana. He asked me... To leave all my hatred in this world, so I don't leave it with regret. I... I give up my revenge. The Red Eye has lost. I am not sad because... I shared the same death as Izana. I got to know what my brother felt like in his last moments. So... Thank you, Mikey.

She looked to the other side and saw further away, the body of Kakucho.

- Kakucho... You followed me from the beginning, and you did everything to protect me. Maybe you did it just because you saw Izana in me, but... Thank you, Kakucho.

She closed her eyes again, but this time permanently. She saw Keiko, Aoi and Izana waiting for her.

- It feels lighter after that, don't you think? Smiled Izana.

- In the end, this life wasn't so rotten.


The rest of the story belongs to Ken Wakui. If you want to see it, read the manga.

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now