Chapter 10

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The fight had already started a few minutes ago, but Mikey still did not deign to participate. He stayed away and watched the fight from a distance. Draken was the first to reach his perch.

- MIKEY! I don't know what's going on with you lately but you're not the Mikey I know! So get your ass over here so I can beat the shit out of ya !

- Ken-chin...

The members of the Red Eye were particularly effective and active. They were decimating the troops of other gangs.

- Senju "the unmatched" is heading towards a group of 100 people ! She's gonna beat them down all at once !

The actions joined the words. In a fraction of a second, all the enemies who were charging towards her had bitten the dust.

- Pff, too easy!

- Don't you think you've had enough fun, Senju ?

Senju turned around to see Sanzu approaching her, armed with an iron bar.

- Come on ! I'm your opponent !

- Haruchiyo, I don't want to fight you... I want you to forgive me for what happened years ago and to move on.

- We're not kids anymore, are we ? I'm too old to be messing with you. Fight back!

As he said this, he hit her head with all his strength with his bar. Further away, Benkei was watching the scene with concern.

- Senju is in a difficult position, don't you think we should give her a hand, Waka?

- Let her alone, she can handle it herself. Focus on South instead. This guy is not to be underestimated, he's a brute, a monster.

- VIVO ! Attack me legends! Unless...

He hadn't even finished his sentence when he felt a presence behind him and felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck. He had been hit in the back of the head and had been forced to his knees.

- How did he get behind me, I didn't take my eyes off him for a second !

- Too slow, man

Immediately, Benkei punched him, taking advantage of Wakasa's diversion. Inui, who was observing the scene, felt as if he was seeing the first generation of the Black Dragon again.

- Even with the time, they're still as in sync and strong as they were twelve years ago. They're amazing !

The other members of Rokuhara Tandai looked completely shocked.

- He... He made South fly more than two meters, a guy twice his size !

- Who the hell are these guys ?! They're not human !

Benkei, as usual was annoyed at Wakasa's nonchalant look. He still had the old unpleasant feeling that he was taunting him, a feeling he had from the time they were enemies.

- Stop showing off because you gave him a measly kick !

- Where did you see that I was showing off ? Anyway, we're finally done with him, he was getting on my nerves. Now we can deal with the others.

He gave a single glance to the members of the Rokuhara Tandai who automatically ran away. Wakasa and Benkei were about to chase them, when they both ended up face down on the ground.

- FORTE ! Do you know that you, legends, impress me ? This is the first time someone has managed to pin me to the ground! I'm not disappointed, I can see that these are not false rumors that are being told about you!

- Damn it!

- How did he do that ?! He was supposed to stay knocked out for at least half an hour after I punched him!

Senju saw the scene from afar and was worried about the fate of her two friends.

- Waka ! Benkei ! Are you alright?!

Wakasa got up as best he could, soon followed by Benkei, and addressed Senju.

- Don't worry about us princess, concentrate on your own fight !

Sanzu laughed in front of her and threatened her with the end of his iron bar.

- He's right, you might regret your distraction !

He gave her another blow with the bar. Senju's head was now bleeding, it was a miracle that she was still standing.

- I beg you Haruchiyo, stop ! I don't want to fight you ! You're my big brother !

- You think I'll feel sorry for you because you're my sister ? I'm gonna finish you off once and for all !

Takemichi, who was watching the scene from his own fight, rushed to help Senju, forgetting even his own safety.

A man from the Rokuhara Tandai took the opportunity to aim at him and shoot.

- Takemitchy, watch out!

Draken stepped in and managed to send the weapon away. The guy holding it got scared when he saw Draken's enraged look and ran away.

- Thanks Draken-kun ! If you hadn't been there, I would have been shot ! Come on, let's go back !

He started to walk towards his opponents but noticed that Draken was not following him.

- Takemitchy...

Takemichi turned around to see Draken slowly falling backwards.

- Draken-kun ! Are you okay ?!

Takemichi then noticed the hole in Draken's chest.

- Takemitchy, I think my time has come...

- Hang on, Draken-kun, let's call an ambulance ! Hey ! Someone call an ambulance, Draken's serously injured !

- Dammit, Takemichi, there's no time left ! Please listen to me. Don't blame yourself, I took that bullet on my own, so don't think it's your fault, OK ?

- Don't talk Draken, save your strength, the ambulance will be here soon...

- After I'll die, I want you to do one thing, Takemitchy. I want you to beat the shit out of Mikey for me ! Is that clear ? Yes. And also tell him... That he's a pain in the ass ! Can you promise me that, Takemitchy?

- Yes, I promise.

- Good, now go and don't worry about me anymore. And above all, take care of Mikey for me ! Goodbye, Takemitchy.

Takemichi got up in tears and walked away from Draken. He would do what he told him. He would do it for Draken, for Mikey, and also for himself.

- Emma ? I'll be there soon, wait for me, I'm coming...

Takemichi approached Mikey's perch. In tears, he shouted:

- MIKEY-KUN ! Draken- Draken-kun is dead !

Mikey, from where he was, heard it. His heart missed a beat, and he immediately looked at Takemichi's side. And when he saw Draken's body and the gun not far away, he immediately understood what had happened.

And, for the first time since the beginning of the confrontation, Mikey appeared on the battlefield.

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now