Chapter 7

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Yoko was in and out of houses. She didn't understand what was happening, she doesn't remember what happen when she loses control. She just knows that she only caused the misfortune of those who crossed her path. Was she some kind of monster?

She hadn't eaten in days, barely drank and felt terribly weak. She felt herself dying slowly and accepted her death with serenity. She closed her eyes. She could finally see the end of the tunnel.


Yoko woke up in a dark and dilapidated place. It looked like a shed, but it was in bad shape. She turned her head and saw a girl next to her. She had blue hair and green eyes, and was at her bedside. She seemed to be watching over her.

- You're awake ?

- What am I doing here? Who are you?

- My name is Aoi. You were unconscious in the street, suffering from severe dehydration and sunstroke when we found you.

- We ?

- Yes, Keiko and I !

- Who's Keiko ?

- That's me !

She turned her head to the other side and saw a boy with red hair and orange eyes.

- Hi !

And that's how Yoko met Keiko and Aoi. They were three years older than her but that didn't stop them from being together. They had to survive by stealing food from the market stalls. But they were happy together.

One day, Keiko made them a proposal. A proposal that would change their lives forever.

- Would you like to travel ?

- Travel ? To go where ?

- To Japan.

- To Japan ?

The King's sister // Izana Kurokawa // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now