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The second I woke up, I could feel my head punishing me from all the drinks the night before. It took me a second to regain my thoughts and fully understand what was happening, and that was when I noticed I was in a room I didn't recognise, with an arm around my waist.

I was instantly taken over by panic, I didn't know where I was, I didn't remember much from last night and I did not want to turn around and see anyone but Leah behind me but this was not Leah's house and I knew that.

Whilst lost in my racing thoughts, the person next to me moved their arm and pulled me back down, just with the slight movement, I knew it was Leah and I was massively relieved. I knew I wouldn't sleep with anyone else, deep down I knew that despite not officially being with Leah, sleeping with someone else was the last thing on my mind.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard from behind me, turning to see Leah looking at me.

"I'm thinking about where I am right now" Leah looked around the room and put her head in her hand, rubbing her forehead.

"Shit, we are in my parent's house" Panic. That was the only word I could use to describe the feeling I got when Leah said that.

"Please tell me your lying Leah" I pleaded, but looking at her face I knew she wasn't.

"It was where I was staying so I just brought you with me, I'm sorry" I couldn't tell if Leah was nervous about the fact I would have to meet her parents, or scared because she didn't want me to.

"Would you be okay with me meeting them?" I didn't know if it was too soon, Leah and I weren't official, we had barely spoken about it and now I lay in her bed at her parent's house.

She clearly had not thought through what she was doing last night and I needed to know if she regretted it.

During the conversation the memories of last night came flooding in, the bartender, being sat on Leah's knee, then her bringing me here. I was so drunk I didn't even recognise I was in an unfamiliar place because Leah made me feel safe, always.

"Would you want to?" Leah asked, but her response didn't give me the answers I needed it too.

"You know I would want to, but what do I say when they ask who I am? Why am I in their house and who am I to you?" I rambled, forgetting what I was saying after each sentence.

"Ro, calm down it's okay" Leah began, sitting up to face me "Look it isn't ideal, this is not how I wanted you to meet them and I'm sorry it's been sprung upon you like this but you are right, we don't know what we are" Leah's response soothed my nerves on whether she wanted me to meet them, but it didn't clear up what we were.

"S-so what does that mean" Getting my hopes up was the last thing I wanted to do. Before this conversation, I thought I knew where my relationship with Leah was going, but now I wasn't so sure and I don't think she was either.

"It means" Leah stopped and took a deep breath, causing my heart to stop for a second, "It means that since the first day you walked into that meeting at Arsenal for the first time and the way you handled yourself, I knew you were special. It means all the time we spent together, all the training and work you put in to be the footballer you want to be, I knew you were determined. And it means that when we kissed in the club on your first night with us all, I knew I loved you." Warm tears began rolling down my face, this wasn't what I was expecting her to say.

"It means that I want to be able to look at you when we are out and know that you are mine and everyone else who looks at you doesn't matter because I know at the end of the night you will be coming home with me. So what I am getting at but building up the confidence to say is. Robin, will you be my girlfriend?" I looked into Leah's eyes and could see how open and honest she was being.

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