Chapter 4

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I heard some girls gasp, others whispering about how much they loved a man in uniform, and some were like me and didn't give a shit. As long as I had a good supply of snacks I was set. Although before I could even grab a paper cup Stella took my hand and dragged me over to Prince Sky and the rest of the specialists.

"Hello Prince Sky," she beamed as he kissed her hand.

"Hey Stella, girls" He acknowledged us with a slight nod of his head before turning all his attention over to the golden girl. The others were getting to know the Specialists, Timmy and Tecna got on like a house on fire, while Brandon was talking to the other girls, I stood awkwardly in the circle, not saying much unless spoken to directly. I was mainly waiting for one of my older brothers to jump on my back and embarrass me. Riven was the same looking around awkwardly and hardly speaking, although I doubt my brothers would be so tasteless as to associate with him.

"There she is!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim, I turn and see Xavier, my oldest brother, standing in full uniform. A small flock of fairies followed closely behind, staring at me like I kicked their three-legged puppy.
"How's my favourite sister?" He asked, consuming in a hug. I let out an awkward laugh. Xavier was like my father, broad-shouldered and incredibly strong. Giving off the impression that they'd be a real hard-ass but a softie on the inside. He got my father's genetics as I did, thick dark curls and olive skin, not to mention the drive of a tiger and the loyalty of a lion.

"Nice try," I say, pushing him off me, "but I'm your only sister." I roll my eyes, "just admit I'm your favourite sibling." He laughs at me.

"Um, Y/n," I hear Musa say, "aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Oh right, guys this is my oldest brother, Xavier, he's in his final year at Red Fountain, Xavier these are the guys. Musa, Tecna, Flora, of course, you already know Stella, and when she gets here, I'll introduce you to Bloom." There's a small chorus of hi's and hellos before I notice two identical boys sneak up behind Xavier. They jump on him, a small squabble begins giving me second-hand embarrassment. "Honestly, you two should grow up." I once again roll my eyes.

"We're older than you are!" One of them says the other agrees. I shoot them both a look.

"Age has nothing on maturity," I sigh, these are the twins, two years older than me. Lukas and Liam, have my father's curls but are blonde, not dark brown like mine and Xavier's.

"You're no fun," Lukas pouts.

"Someone has to be the sensible one," I muttered back.

"You're just as mad as we are, Y/n" Liam nudges my shoulder, "come to red fountain tomorrow, then you'll see how mad she is."

"I won't pass up a chance to beat your ass again," we all smile at each other. I hear someone scoff and I look over at Riven who's shaking his head in disbelief.

"I doubt she can even hurt a fly," He sneers. I glare at him.

"You want to test that theory?" I ask, challenging him, "I bet I could beat you in this pretty dress, why don't we give that a go?"

"Good luck with that one Princess, try me and you'll regret it." A smirk forms on his lips, I just want to punch it right off him. Before I can say anything else Lukas tries to relieve some tension, a pathetic attempt to get the Princess of Solaria to finally look his way.

"Princess Stella," Lukas flirts, trying his hardest to appear cool and desirable. But his attempt is pathetic and laughable, "You're looking as radiant as always," He takes her hand and kisses it.

"Oh, thanks," she says, pulling her hand away, I choke down a laugh before noticing Prince Sky looking jealous. Before anyone else can say anything, Bloom comes running towards us, still in her regular clothes and we know immediately something is wrong. She takes us to a secluded area and we all stand around awaiting some explanation.

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