Chapter 8

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As we walked deeper into the forest, the girls chatted about how cute the specialists are, especially Bloom and Stella. Clearly, the sun fairy was causing hard on Prince Sky, and Bloom was totally into Brandon although would never quite admit to it. I rolled my eyes through the conversation and walked behind the group adjusting my hair every few minutes. I just wanted to leave, or finish the project, not walk around aimlessly to find a troll and the Trix to help the boys who stupidly let him escape. Especially since Riven was the captain of the mission. I didn't want to help him, he was a dick. Nothing in this great universe could ever make him desirable. Suddenly Flora stopped us making a shushing noise, pointing to thick green vines.

"Everyone be quiet," she whispered, "these are quietous carinorus, they hate noise," she put a finger to her lips and started tiptoeing around them. Stella rolled her eyes.

"Really? I've never heard of such a thing." I watched as she put two fingers in her mouth, followed by an ear-splitting whistle. I shot her a look and folded my arms. "Hm, nothing seems to be happening," she said smugly in a slightly louder voice than normal. I turned my head for a moment before I heard Stella wailing and screaming, I whipped my head around and saw that a vine had grabbed her and was holding her up by the ankle. I slapped my head with my palm, rolling my eyes. She kept wailing as the other girls ran over to her and were whispering, telling her to quieten down. Of course, this didn't work, Stella didn't listen to anybody except herself, much like me. I casually walked over to her and put my hand over her mouth, glaring. The plant slowly dropped her to the floor and I had to stifle a laugh.

"Believe me now?" Flora whispers, amused. Just as Stella stood up, about to retaliate when from the distance we heard Timmy's voice screaming for help. We all rushed in the direction of the sound of little man's cries as we happened upon the 'specialists' all tangled up in this plant.

"Keep your voice down! I can't think!" Prince Sky shouted at Timmy, I almost laughed out loud seeing Riven struggling against a plant.

"If we keep wrestling then we'll upset the digestive system of the plant!" Riven tried to explain, fighting the vines like they were made from flesh and bone. He looked down at me and caught my amused eye.

"Keep your voice down, dipshit." I smiled as he looked at me with a scowl. My comment went unnoticed though, and the boys kept arguing with the plant. I rolled my eyes and nudged Flora's arm. She sighed and performed a spell, what spell? No clue but the plant shrunk back against the forest floor and the boys were set free, all landing on their arses. The girls helped the specialists up, but I left Riven on the floor, looking stupid as always.

As the prat brushed himself down I noticed Brandon and Bloom talking to one another, getting close and whispering. I smiled to myself and snuck up behind them.

"I'm really glad to see you again, Bloom," Brandon smiled shyly, Bloom was going to reply, but then I walked between them, an elbow on their shoulders and saying rather loudly.

"You can speak normally now guys!" I grinned and patted Brandon's arm before walking over to the girls. I adjusted my hair and lent against a tree as they all stood around arguing about what to do now.

"I think we should look for the troll together!" Bloom chirped, looking at Brandon next to her who seemed to agree. Of course he did, those two would make a great couple, if you want the spiciness of bread and butter. Sky and Timmy both nodded their heads and began to walk to us girls when Riven crossed his arms and scowled.

"I refuse to team up with fairies," He huffed angrily. I stood up from my tree and walked over to him.

"Well that's handy then," I said through gritted teeth, "because we refuse to team up with dog-arse-faced dipshit with no respect for anyone," I pushed my face into his and held his eye. There was a moment of silence, before his tall frame towered over me.

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