Chapter 3

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The whole group of us went into Magix we first got shopping, showing Bloom the best places to go. I myself am a bit of a fashion enthusiast, I love giving people makeovers and finding a style that suits them. Well I may have gotten carried away, as I looked over the group of very tired and very hungry girls. Stella chose her favourite spot for lunch, no one protested against it. Bloom seemed to be settling into the group quite nicely, laughing and joking with everyone.

It wasn't until later that evening where things went wrong. Bloom went missing after she called her parents on a pay phone, we tried looking for her but of course Stella and I couldn't reveal her real identity, so we were wondering around, shouting for "Varanda" which wouldn't have helped. I turned a corner to go down this alleyway, which is when I saw Bloom frozen in a huge block of ice. "Well, shit," I said to myself as I peered around and saw 3 witches from cloud tower, they call themselves the Trix, all 3 were cackling like they did something funny. Poor Bloom was just encased in ice freezing to death.

"Guys!" I shout, "I found her!" The witches all turned and looked at me. I knew I had just given away my position, but I was strong enough to hold them off until the rest of the girls got to me.

"You'll come to find that was a mistake,"  Icy sneered as I transformed, she sent a flurry of sharp icicles hurdling towards me. I dove behind Bloom's frozen body, pelting any and all weapons I could muster at the Trix, until the other girls arrive. They all transform and begin fighting the Witches with me.

"We need to hurry!" I shout to Stella, "Bloom won't last long." She nods her head but I realise my mistake, Bloom was still Varanda to the other girls and I just revealed the secret. There was no time to explain, creating a hatchet smashing it into the blocks of ice hurdling towards me. 

"I've had enough of this!" I see Icy begin to harness all her power, not even the other witches can stand to be near her. As witches thrive off of dark energy and negative emotions, her anger makes her more deadly. I try and stop her by throwing knives into the swirling vortex of ice and snow. But they keep flying back out to us.

"Solaria!" I hear Stella shout in the midst of the chaos. She takes her scepter and swiftly teleports us away from the danger, leaving a Bloom-sized hole in the ice she was encased in . 

We appear by the fountain in the centre of Magix, Bloom shivering from the ice. Stella, being the sun and moon fairy, ignited her body with heat, warming the other fairy. As the five of us were catching our breath from the fight I notice the girl's -aside from Stella- all looking at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask, detransforming.

"Bloom?" Tecna asks

"Is there something you're not telling us, Y/N?" Musa folds her arms almost angrily.

"Okay, fine, Varanda is actually, Bloom, a fairy from earth." I avoid making eye contact with them, instead I look over at Bloom, slowly watching her come to. She sits up and smiles at us. "She helped Stella and I fighting an ogre, she's more powerful than you know. How you feeling Bloom?" I ask.

"Bloom? um, that's not-" She tries saving my 'mistake' but I hold my hand up and shake my head.

"They know, it's all good," I smile. We all help her to her feet as she assure's us she's fine, we take it slow back to Alfea. Knowing we're past our curfew home on our very first night, so we're all relatively nervous. We silently sneak in, almost making it to the stairs, when we hear the sour high pitched screech of Griselda.

"Late! On your first day!" She's hushed, but unmistakably angry. Faragonda appears behind her, her presence calm's me as she is far more level-headed and calm than Griselda.

"I'm glad you're all here in one piece," She says "We were all worried you got hurt,"

"I know, I'm sorry headmistress," Stella says in her best innocent voice. "It won't happen again," She smiles and we try escaping up the stairs.

"Not so fast now," Griselda stops us, "I recently got a letter from Princess Varanda, informing me that she will not be attending Alfea anymore." She stares at Bloom. We all fall silent, staring at the floor. I don't know why the other girls felt bad, they were in the dark up until half an hour ago.

"Okay, fine. My name is Bloom, I'm from earth, and I've always dreamed of being a fairy! Please let me stay," She was practically begging, I rolled my eyes slightly, I didn't do well with this kind of emotional expression. Faragonda allowed Bloom to stay and we all ran back to our dorms.

When we all went to breakfast, Miss Faragonda made an announcement.

"Good morning fairies, today there will be no classes, instead I need you all to put your creative minds to the test and work together to set up the hall for the Red Fountain and Aflea Fairy annual ball!" The fairies all broke into hushed whispers, what to wear, what the boys would look like, if any of them are cute. I grimaced at the thought of seeing Riven again, but Stella was swooning at the thought of seeing Prince Sky again. I was more excited to be dressing up. Flora was the best with decorations, beautiful rose vines and wisteria climbing the walls and ceilings. Musa worked on the music, Stella took control of the outfits. There wasn't much a war and weapons fairy could do, not many people want a gladiator pit at a ball. But I was great at organising the evening. 

The time came to choose our outfits, Stella went from room to room, tearing apart our wardrobes and constructing a fit. She asked if I wanted her help, but I didn't want to, I love fashion and creating beautiful gowns for myself. I found a stunning sparkly dress with a long train. I examined myself in the mirror, pleased with the dress I found before Stella walked in, admiring my work as well. 

"You should pin your hair back," She said I looked at her, "I'm being serious, pin you hair back, have a few curls framing your face and you'll look like the Goddess you are." She smiled at me, I did as she suggested and turned back to the mirror, out of the corner of my eye I see Stella giving me a supportive thumbs up and a quick wink. I rolled my eyes at her but she was right, it did look better. My long train following me out the door to see the other girls and what they chose to wear. They all looked stunning, as we complimented each other on looking gorgeous I noticed Bloom was in her everyday clothes.

"What's up? Why aren't you wearing a gown?" I ask.

"I don't have one, I didn't bring one with me." She said shyly. I suggested we went shopping, but she didn't want us to miss out on the party. So as we were practically pushed out the door by an angry red-head, Bloom said she would be down in half an hour, and not to wait for her.

We arrived in the hall, everyone was beautifully dressed and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Red Fountain boys. I was excited to see my brothers, but not thrilled at the idea that some of the fairies were going to be flirting with them. I hated watching people ponder over them, telling them how good they looked and how strong they were. It made my skin crawl at the thought of it. But before I could cringe any more I heard Faragonda announce the Red Fountain students.

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