Chapter 9

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A/N: HEYYYYYYY Guess who's back?! It's me! (yay) I know this chapter is way overdue, and honestly, there is no excuse; I've had this in the drafts since late January/early February. But I'm working on Chapter 10 as this one posts; I would give a date deadline, but there's no telling with my Uni schedule being tricky. Expect the next chapter at the end of this month or the beginning of April (Fingers crossed, all goes well!) Anyway, thank you for tolerating me and my terrible posting, next chapter there will be an alone moment between Y/n and Riven, so something to look forward to! Also please let me know if you have any requests or ideas for this story, I have a decent plan for where this is going to go, but if you really want something included in, just send me a cute lil message! Thank you guys for baring with, this story will be continued. xxxx

Riven walked ahead; he somehow had it in his mind that he was the leader, in charge of all of us and having the final say in all the decisions. I walked behind the pack, trying not to listen to anybody, especially not the sly, confident voice of Riven as it snaked its way into my ears. I also tried not to notice the fact he would sometimes turn his head just enough to look at me, either to make sure I was alright or revel in the pride that he managed to make me fucking blush. It pained me to know he had that effect on me. But it killed me to know he knew it, too.

"He's over this way, guys!" Riven shouted over my thoughts. As I came back down to earth, I heard the screams and shouts of several fairies, and my eyes widened.

"He's got fairies from alfea," I said angrily, crossing my hands across my chest. "We have to do something," I say, ready to transform, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Riven shaking his head, holding my arm softly. I furrowed my brow as the Prince began to speak.

"Okay," said Sky, "Here's the plan, number 1, we distract the trolls."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, "I hope there's a number 2," I reply as Riven snicked to himself, his hand still resting gently on my shoulder.

"Of course," Sky replied, frustrated with my scarcasm. "Brandon and I will hold him down, and riven and Timmy will slip the handcuffs on him," He smiled and looked around for approval, the rest of the Winx seemed on board with the plan but I wasn't fully convinced.

"No offence, I know you two are big strong men, but there's no way just two of you could hold down that troll," I clenched my jaw and shook Rivens hand off me. I turned back and saw a slightly hurt look on his face. As soon as the man saw me staring he switched to his usual stoic glare.

"We have no choice," Sky argued, "Any more complaints?" He looked around the silent group, then smiled at me teiumphantly. I can do more than just be a distraction! He knows this. I'm the fairy of weaponry and war for fucks sake, but noooooo, im a woman, so I'm fragile and weak. Bloody typical. " alright then," he continued, "Go on girls, distract him," He instructed, pointing at the troll through the hedges.

"Just so you know, I am the fairy of weaponry and war. I could fight before I could talk, my father is the general of the solarian army. I can do more than just distract!" I fold my arms across my chest and stared the boys intensely, "we might be fairies, but we aren't dainty or weak." My jaw tenses as Riven approached me, I held my ground, locking eyes with him.

"Alright Princess," He growls at me, "why don't you show me how tough you are?"

"Oh please," I smile, "I already have." I push my face into him as he retracts. Rivens face twisted into a scowl.

"Look guys," Timmy's voice breaks the tension. Both of our heads turn, "we can keep fighting or we can go and help those fairies. Y/n please just co-operate and distract the troll. We have a plan."

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