Chapter 11

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On our way back, I keep catching Stella looking at me out of the corner of my eyes, making me more paranoid than ever, I'm practically tearing my hair out to ensure my marks are covered. God, I hate Riven so much. This is all his fault; if he showed a sliver of self-restraint, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I mean, what's wrong with a hot make-out session against a wall with no hickeys? Not that I want to have another kiss with him, no matter how close we got to it in the swamp. I feel my cheeks flare up; I huff and stare at the ground, trying to avoid the burning glare of the sun fairy. Of course, I have to be best friends with the fucking sun. 

We finally arrive back to our dorm, I hurriedly run into my room to throw on something comfortable that doesn't wash out my skin tone. It's nothing special, just some shorts and a hoodie that suitably covers my neck. Usually, I would tie my dark curls up into a bun, but I can't risk any of the other girls seeing my neck. I barely have a minute to think about an excuse for Stella before there's knocking at my door. I take a deep breath and stare into the mirror, allowing myself a moment of peace before the inevitable rapid-fire questions. 

"Come in," I call out, refusing to look at the door.

"It's me," Stella says, closing the door behind her. I turn around to see my best friend staring at me, arms folded and eyebrow arched. I shoot her an uncomfortable grin, we stare at each other in silence for a moment, "Don't you dare make me ask," She says sternly, my fake smile drops and I place my head in my hands.

"Ugh fine," I say, I take another deep breath before craning my neck so she can them properly.

"Before I say anything, was this something you wanted?" She asked me sincerely, I feel a bit bad for making her worry about me like that. But that question also makes me think, I did want it. In fact, I'm ashamed to say I wanted more. In that moment, where Riven had me up against the wall, I wanted a lot more than just hickeys. But I can't think like that now. It was just a one time thing, he was mad about losing against me and that was the only thing he could think of to get back at me.

"Oh my God, yes," I say quickly, trying to relieve her fears, she beams at me and wiggles her eyebrows, my face burns red and I start laughing, "Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter," I say, jokingly pushing her arm.

"Well that's brilliant, because those are some nice love bites," she winks, "Must've been done by a professional," Stella laughs, I try laughing with her but a pit falls at the thought of Riven kissing some other girl. I shove the thought from my head, I can't possibly like him in that way, I won't let myself. "So, are you gonna tell me who marked you up?" She asks, staring at me intently.

"I don't think he wants anyone knowing," I say, my voice trailing off.

"Ah so you and Riven are keeping things secret for now?" Stella gives me a knowing look but I shake my head and pull a face.

"What the fuck?!" I say, trying to act surprised and disgusted, "Riven? Are you joking? I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole!" 

"Bullshit, Y/n!" She retorts, "We've been friends since we were in nappies, I know you better than anyone else in whole universe. I've seen the way you look at him!" She pauses for a moment, "Actually, I've more seen the way he looks at you." Although I'm dying to know what she means about him looking at me, I can't ask, that would give it all away.

"Well, he can take those eyes and shove them up his arse," I scoff, "Besides, do you really think I'd lower my standards for some petulant man-baby?" Stella laughs at me for a moment.

"Okay, okay. If not Riven, then who?" She stares at me long and hard, as if she was trying to read my mind, I just look at her as if she was crazy and she rolls her eyes at me.

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