Chapter 12

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My eyes snap open to the sound of just pure chaos. I sit up as I listen to the sound of boxes and clothes being thrown; as I stretch my arms above my head, I hear drawers being opened and torn apart. I peek my nose out of my door and see the rest of the Winx gathering outside Stella's door. I scratch my head, groggily walking over to the group, all of us now huddling around the Sun Fairy's room. 

"Jesus, is that racket coming from Stella's room?" I ask, clearly stating the obvious.

"Yeah, Flora and I were wondering what it was," Bloom adds while yawning.

"Maybe last night didn't go well." The nature fairy anxiously chews her lip. I give her a loving eye-roll.

"Or maybe it went really well," I snicker, much to the other girls' unamusement, "Either way, I'm going to check." I step forward and give her door a gentle pound, "Stella, babe, you alright?" I call out. The kerfuffle stops as the door opens slightly, just enough to see Stella's face but nothing else.

"Oh, Heya, what's up?" She asks angrily. I stare at her blankly.

"What's up? What's all the noise about? It's not even time to get up yet, but here we are." I reach for the door handle, but she keeps the door as closed as possible, maintaining an iron grip.5

"Err, a bag fell down." She grins a fake, Cheshire cat grin that I've never seen her pull. I furrow my brow as she continues, "Everything's alright, go back to sleep." She wafts a dismissive hand at us.

"There's no point; the alarm will go off soon," Bloom sighs, adjusting her dressing gown.

"What time did you get in last night?" I ask, winking at her suggestively. Stella rolls her eyes and frowns. 

"It was late. And I didn't want to wake you up," She gives a sharp and cold response.

"So, how did it go? Come on, we want the details!" Bloom almost squeals, her energy only now returning to her. I also want to know what they did that made her come home so late and, clearly, so angry.

"Oh," Stella's voice trailed off, "But there's nothing to tell." She tries closing the door again, but I catch the handle, looking at her sternly.

"You expect us to believe that? You expect me to believe that?" I push harder; Stella scowls and glares at me with a gaze I had never seen in her before.

"I said it was nothing, so why don't you mind your own business?!" She shouts, slamming the door in my face. I turn to the others, who have the same disgusted, confused face as me.

"What is wrong with her?" Musa growls, striding towards the door, "I'm going to" I place a firm hand on her shoulder and shake my head.

"No, Musa, leave her alone," I say softly, "She'll talk to us when she's ready," I sigh. The alarm goes off, and we all head to our rooms to prepare for today's classes. When we leave, Stella doesn't join us. Something terrible must've happened at the Black Lagoon, but I'm sure she'll tell us when she's ready.

After classes, Stella never attended any of them; the girls and I were discussing our sun fairy and what in Magix happened to her.

Did you notice? Our little princess wasn't in class," Musa huffs, clearly still bitter about the events that transpired this morning.

"I don't know what's gotten into her," Flora adds sweetly, her voice riddled with concern. Tecna places a comforting, if not slightly robotic, hand on the nature fairy's shoulder.

"Maybe something happened on the date?" She replies, looking something up on her phone.

"If that's the case, I'll break Sky's face. Prince or not." I crack my knuckles, and some girls let out a half-enthusiastic laugh.

"Maybe she just doesn't want to tell us," Tecna adds again.

"But I thought we were her friends," Flora frowns, letting out a disheartened sigh. I wrinkle my nose slightly.

"Just because we're friends doesn't mean we tell each other everything," I reply, thinking back to my mixed feelings about Riven and the wall-kissing incident.

"I tell you girls everything," Bloom says, and the others mutter in agreement. I feel slightly guilty, a pitfall in my stomach, and I nervously play with a lock of my dark curly hair.

"Yeah, well, we don't have to," I try and hint at my own secrecy, but no one seems to catch on, "I've known Stella since we were kids; I'll try asking her again, you guys wait here for me, okay?" I ask; everyone nods in agreement and waits at the bottom of the stairs as I begin the climb.

I knock on the dorm room door, which feels ridiculous because, well, I fucking live here too. The door creaks open, and I notice all the lights are off and the curtains are drawn; I flip a switch and see the chaos. Everything has been thrown about, dressers are open, and our clothes are everywhere. Jewellery is scattered, and there's not one surface that has been left untouched. I stand in the middle of this wreck, completely aghast; it must have been Stella who did all this; no one else can enter our dorm without us letting them in. I hear the door creak and slam shut; I turn around to see Stella standing behind it.

"Hi, Y/n," She had a wicked grin on her face, another expression I had never seen on her before, "Looking for me, are you?" She asks, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. I scowl at her in disbelief.

"Look, I love you, but whatever happened does not warrant wrecking the place," I reply angrily,  "Why did you do this?" She snarls at this, walking towards me slowly.

"Because I want my ring, Y/n," She says; I look at her with a blank stare; she gave a ring to Bloom, and she knows that, "I searched everywhere for it. Where is it?! I want to know where you hid it!" She shouts in my face. I shoot her a dirty look, totally confused.

"Stella, are you feeling okay? Because you're acting like a proper bitch," I spit.

"I'll be fine as soon as I get my ring back! You know where it is, don't you!" She screams again, stomping her foot like some entitled child.

"What's gotten into you, Stella?!" I shout back, "Calm the fuck down." 

"I want my ring!" She floats into the air and begins hurling magic at me. I duck and roll out of the blow, but her anger shows no sign of subsiding.

"That's enough!" I yell, transforming into my fairy form, "I don't want to kick your arse; that would be super embarrassing for you," I say, flying up to her.

"UGH!" She grunts before flying out an open window in a blur 

Stella: ugh! *goes through window*

"Fucking hell!" I shout angrily to myself as the dorm door bursts open. All the other Winx run in and gasp at the state of our home.

"I don't believe it!" Flora exclaims, "What has gotten into her?"

"Her date with Prince Charming has sent her into dizzy mode," Tecna says, circling a finger next to her temple. I fly down to join them and detransform.

"On earth, we'd say she's out of her head," Bloom adds, picking up some of her clothes.

"I just don't think Sky has anything to do with this," Musa sighs, looking at her broken boombox.

"She wasn't herself," I say in disbelief, "She didn't act like Stella at all." Flora touches my shoulder as I look around the trashed apartment.

"What are we going to do?" She asks, worried, "We don't even know what happened on that date."

"No," I say, shaking Flora off, "But we do know where to start, Prince Sky of Eracklyon."

**A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, guys; you've all been really patient with me, which is fantastic! Thank you all so much! Chapter 13 will be longer and hopefully out soon if my Uni schedule allows me more time. Hope you enjoyed xx

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